So things have been going pretty good for the most part. Started my job last week and my sugars have actually been low lately! Although last week I was really sick and my blood sugars kept going in the 300' was bad I couldn't keep food or water down and I thought I might have to go to the hospital if it keeps going on past a day! But I did manage to get better so yeah like I said at work my numbers have been pretty good..I have been getting some lows in the 50's though and that kind of freaks me out because I haven't been able to feel them much...I think I'm gonna talk to the endo when I see him in a week or adjust the settings...I think it's too low...I just wish we could fix this stupid spike I get when I eat!...It's like I'm try my hardest to do good and do what I'm would just be nice to get some steady numbers for all that hard work ya know?? So otherwise everything else has been going good lately...and I'm actually happy for once...hopefully this lasts for awhile! :) Until next time friends...