This is an incredible site and good resource

Ever since I found tudiabetes, I have learned so much about diabetes. My goal is to become a diabetes educator and volunteer in parts of the world where Diabetes education does not exist. It is so sad to hear stories of people who are diabetic yet they have no resources on how to live with the condition.

We can help others around the world and in our communities by posting helpful information on how to live a normal life.

Thanks to the founders of tudiabetes.

yay! good luck!

\lLucy, you are my kind of person and we follow the same path and I loke your feelings on diabetesawareness. My concern is genuine because I was clnically dead,in Boston after driving 400 miles, with a count of 880. With my second chance I vowed to help as many diabetics as I can with my peope skills,so far reaching over 40.000 since 1977 as a ROLE MODEL who walks the walk, and talk the talk. With my 91 years of wisdom and I am learning to use a computer to increase my learning capacity. As a member of the oldest university of HARD KNOCKS, where a person never finishes their apprenticship and there is no graduation day, my guidelines to help spread the diabetes awareness, are 1. have a good diabetic specialist, 2.wear a MEDIC-ALERT bracelet, it can SPEAK for you in case of emergencies. 3, listen to your body, it tells you when to eat, sleep, rest and EXERCISE. 4.have a DIABETIC BUDDY, someone you call EVERYDAY. It can serve 2 puroposes, making someone’s DAY, and could SAVE A LIFE. Be a ROLE MODEL,show by example.Also I am asking insulin users, worldwide,to join me on JULY 30, INSULIN APPRECIATION DAY, in silence and give THANKS And APPRECIATION for INSULIN discovered by BANTING & BEST, JULY 30 1921, and enabling hundreds of millions of us to enjoy a healthy lifestyle TODAY. AMIGOKIT Keep In Touch.

Dear LUCY, I have an idea to celebrate INSULIN APPRECIATION DAY, JULY 30, have an AMIGO MOSAIC FEAST.It could be a buffet set up with the assistance of dietitans. Why I use the word MOSAIC is because diabetes crosses all nationalities, so I felt a buffet including all kinds of healthy foods, everyone can use, would be a surprise to those of how successful diabetics, are super healthy people. I would like this to be an annual event, worldwide, and it can.wIth my computer, at 91 is asking new members from around the world, 2 questions, WHAT DO YOUR AREA NEED and WHAT DO YOU KNOW? In TORONTO,where INSULIN was discovered, my diabetes connections, can help supply the amswers o their questions. TOGETHER with others, WE can and will make a difference? Dont forget to call 5 DIABETICS, EVERYDAY, and ask each one to call 5 DIABETICS EVERYDAY, and you will start up a diabetes social group that will support, and share ecperiences… My gimmick I use with my people is close off each each talk with an AMIGOHUG, the laufghter that follows is natures rejuvenator. one is coming youw way? clarence,