To pump or not to pump on cruise?

I am on a mm 723 and I still have lots of Lantus. I am debating unhooking for a week while I am on my cruise next week. Anyone else cruised and what was your solution?

I cruise about once a year. I use my pump as it offers more flexibility with the food choices I make on a cruise and the frequent snacking. I get a loaner pump from MM for a fee for shipping and processing. it was $50 last time I cruised a few months ago. It stayed in my cabin safe and gave me piece of mind having a back up plan. I also had Levemir with me just in case. I accidentally jumped into a salt water pool with my pump on and realized it after I got out. Thankfully it did not damage the pump. I take a small lunch box cooler with me in the pool deck and plop the pump in the cooler out of the sun when swimming. When cruising, I also recommend not to put your unopened insulin in the cabin fridge as they notoriously do not have good temperature control. I have had insulin frozen. I now take my back up insulin to the health center and they always have freely accepted it for storage in their temperature controlled medication fridge.

I was just on a Caribbean cruise in December, and I wore my pump the whole time. I have the Animas, which is waterproof, and I did a lot of swimming and especially snorkeling. I bought a dry bag, and put my Dexcom and my diabetes kit in the dry bag and off I went! My Dexcom was taking readings while snorkeling! Like Jennifer, I like the flexibility of the pump.

I have not been on a cruise, but I have been in many situations where there is lots of (bad) food and grazing. I think cruises are like that. If you want to be able to have a bit more freedom with eating, I would say stick with the pump. Nothing like a square bolus or an temp basal increase to cover sinful excursions ;-)