So, i guess i have a bad infection in my tooth, need a root canal tomorrow, crap one thing after another. maybe this is why BG's been so high lately or infection because BG's been so highly lately? chicken or egg. I restarted pump yesterday and again BG's close to 200's because basal isn't correct (yet), nurse said keeping it below 200 is OK for right now. I'd agree but not when I have a raging infection in my tooth. I took it off, gave 4 units levemir, another correction, will dose levemir again PM...and keep BG's down with injections until infection - tooth is clear. Is this the right thing to do? Crap, if it's not one thing it's another. Does anyone know if antibiotics raise blood sugars? I have no idea what the h@ll I'm doing.
Strange visit for sure. I can't speak for the doctor motives but if he makes you uncomfortable you should ask that a female nurse be present during your next visit, if you go back to him.
All I can say, Sarah is EWWWWWW. I agree with Gary, I would trust your instincts. If I felt the way you describe I would definitely not return to this doctor.
I'm really sorry this happened Sarah! I would try to find a new endo if you can. I have had some terrible experiences as well but with caddy women who lied on me and said I was demanding and cussed them out (which I would never ever do) because I requested more strips. Fortunately I haven't had a male doctor do anything like that, completely inappropriate. My endo now is telling me to not bolus after a meal if my sugar is high. I understand that too much insulin can stack up but my health is too important to me to wait three hours to check and see if it went down. I'm discouraged too but hang in there. Talk openly to your doctor about your concerns and if they don't have the answers or can't handle it find one who can better understand your needs.
My endo listens to my heart and lungs but I don't take my shirt off, she sort of finagles the stethoscope underneath. She checks my feet with this microfiber/ filament thing that I presume is to see if I can feel.
I'd fire him on the BG stuff, creeper stuff maybe too. My goal is normal BG. My endo initially expressed concern re the lows, when I came from another endo, but chilled out lately because I've been pretty consistent and haven't had too many problems, although she saw me through a couple of odd hypos requiring attention (or Mrs was there but other folks dialed 911...long stories...I have confidence she'd have brought me around but it's scary for straight people...). The BG is fireable though. 200= worrying for me, and I'll correct it. I'll correct 100 if the other conditions are I corrected 100, worked out for 25 minutes and calibrated at 78, having stuck in a new sensor before the workout, trying to time the end of the workout with a calibration. Then, I forgot my meter, guessed the 3 hour calibration based on how I felt (great) and was rewarded with a 78 meter vs. 80 CGM when I got home from work. I am totally confident I know what I'm doing. Stuff isn't always perfect but I feel like the doc needs to listen to me. Don't correct 200 is BS in my book.
#1 A1c is an average for over the last aprox 120 days. If you are having a lot of highs and lows you could have a low average, but not be in the best of control. the varied BG could be a matter of technique. I recently learned that it matters how hard you need to pinch the site to get a large enough drop of blood for your meter. It is also a very complex calculation to get a reading and the area size the drop is drawn from has an impact on the reading. (this is what was explained to me). also different meters may use a different scale. The same for the Lab a1c and in office test
#2 First visit, more info needed then on followup visits
#3 I would need more info, about numbers, meds and such and I am not a Dr. or in any position to advise you. I can suggest you always have the option to change Dr.'s and find an educator that talks in a manner you understand, and are comfortable with. The more I learn about this disease the more complex it seems to be.
there are a couple books you might like
"pumping insulin" with a lot of info to get the best control with a pump.
"think like a pancreas" a very good concept that has helped me lower the highs (except when I am real bad) and prevent or reduce the lows.
I don't see so much odd in having a new doc want to do a full physical for a new patient. I am sorry you felt the appointment was very strange, weird, and felt odd. As others have said, you can just not go back. Also, you can refuse any exam or request, and leave any time...which I would have done if I felt any of those things.
I remember reading about your last endo and you were tossing f bombs at each other. Can't help it but it reminds me of the Elaine Benes on Seinfeld - all of the doctors in her 'hood had a file on her. Did you get to see the pump nurse??
Sarah, that is totally inappropriate. I suggest not going back for sure. I would also consider reporting your experience although my guess is it wouldn't do much good.
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Too bad on deleting the thread, although I missed the A1C attachment which looks great! I don't like deleting threads/ posts/ etc. as I think that it can weaken the community. I understand karen's point that doctors do exams but I've never taken my shirt off for an endo, *ever* although my doc did make a comment about my physique once, in the context of me expressing concern about losing weight and the charts that showed she had noticed I'd been working out, etc. Without having me take my shirt off. I'm sure it's different for guys but I have to wonder what %age of our endos have us (both genders...) take our shirts off. I'd bet $5 that it's probably less than 50%, in which case the original post would be quite validated, long with the interesting observaations about D notwithstanding.
I think if someone feels uncomfortable about a post, that is their option. You can also do the same with any post you make, simply by clicking on the little "x" at the top. If you ever have second thoughts about what you have said and the time is expired to edit you post, you can always go back and delete it.
My former endo never did a good exam. Never looked at my feet and always said I was fat and that was why I had diabetes without even once weighing me or asking me to take my shirt off. My current endo did give me a good examination, I did take my shirt off and she has checked my feet a number of times.
thanks, i thought the content of my post, well, some of it, may have not been 'appropriate' as the endo may not have been either (other things as well). my question really was, does a blood A1C differ from a finger stick A1C in the I don't see how I could have a 6.0 A1C when I'm waking up to nearly 200 every morning and going to bed at 150 cause I can't get my levemir right. I'm still going to go today and try to restart my pump.
It was almost like it was two topics in one, Sarah and I think people responded to the one that jumped out at them (the endo's behavior).
If I recall exactly (you might want to repost that part of the thread) you said that he did a finger stick test similar to the home A1C kits, rather than blood that goes to the lab? Those should be reasonably accurate. But you're right it sounds low for the blood sugars you describe having. My only question would be how long you have been having those high numbers. The A1C tests for three months so lower numbers during part of that period could bring the average down. (though it gives a higher weight to more recent numbers). Also have you been having lows to balance it down?
I also agree that the "don't correct 200" advice is ridiculous, but I guess I'm used to doctors giving advice I just ignore. But I think you have ample reason to fire this doctor. I've worked a lot with people who have had various forms of abuse and harassment: None of it is your responsibility and If it feels uncomfortable, honor that feeling.
i know, that's why i thought i'd remove 'that part'. yeah, highs and lows. i woke up to 167 again this morning. i'm so sick of this cause they look at my A1C and are like...'you're doing great' can this be good and yes, I'm gaining weight because I keep increasing my levemir and it's not doing anything, either wrong doses or timing or whatever. i stayed at 160 all day yesterday and could not get my BG's down w/corrections and again very little food. ugh! i still think what i was feeling was correct, one doesn't need to remove everything, including pants or skirt or lady under garments, to look at feet and listen to heart and lungs..but I'll deal with it I guess. thanks, zoe!
Sarah, I didn't see your original post so can't comment on it. Generally the office A1C is within a few points of the lab A1C but I agree that 6 considering the issues you have been having seems a tad low. I hope your pod stuff goes well you deserve a break from all this crap.
If you have been having both highs and lows it could balance out to 6.0. I had the interesting experience of getting two A1Cs in a row which were identical: 5.7. The first one I was extremely proud of because it was my first under 6 and I'd worked very hard to keep my numbers in range. The second one I had plenty of highs and plenty of lows and it balanced out...I wasn't as proud of that one. (I'm now at 6.7 and hoping to get it down some).
thanks, Clare....POD ON. I was 252 when I got to endo's office (after only coffee, egg and 6.5 units of a bolus)this morning. I'm gonna just go with it. The pump nurse was great, didn't have any issues with my 'ranges', running at .40 right now...we'll see, finally down to 128 (AH!). Clare, do you tape your POD down? I used IV PREP and am wondering if I should also use OPSITE Flex tape? It's on my arm. Thanks for the encouragement..all of you! :) here we goooooooo! :)