Thank you to all who have welcomed me! Community plays a major role in the success of dealing with diabetes and I am thankful to have this opportunity. I notice that, as my occupation, I listed legal assistant before jazz singer. Talk about the subconscious taking over! In truth, I wish it was the other way around. I have two degrees in music and if it weren't for a diabetics desperate need for health care, I'd like to think I'd be singing more and sitting-on-my-butt-in-an-office less. All things to think about though, in this, my 2nd year out of grad school. It's a sticky transitional time, for sure. I have a friend who relishes finding grey hairs and could not WAIT to be 30. I can't say I'll welcome wrinkles with quite that degree of enthusiasm, but nor can I say I'll mind leaving out of my 20s.
I wish I could say I was successful in taking care of my body but I've been having a fairly (and by fairly, I mean very) hard time as of late (and by of late, I mean a decade). My rebellion turned into a habit, and one that is unfathomably hard to break. I'm considering a pump, but am still skeptical. I know there are thousands who would recommend it...I'm working up the courage to try.
So I'm struggling, but I'm also aware of how amazingly lucky I am. It's a tough balance to acquire and an even harder one to keep.
Whew! My first blog EVER!! Not as painful as I expected =)