Travel and the Pod

Any andvice about what to take along with me on a four-day trip to California???

Twice as many supplies as your think you need :slight_smile:

Have fun!!

That would be an umbrella …and gummy bears, thank you

I just saw something on the dlife program on tv about traveling with diabetes. They recommended bringing 2x the amount of pump supplies needed. Luckily, you’ll be in California, so if you need something like insulin or test strips, it shouldn’t be a problem. The guy on TV was traveling to Guatemala (I think) and he went in search of insulin while there. He went to something like 5 pharmacies and 2 hospitals before he found it. Yikes!

Thanks for replying…I spent this past weekend in Omaha, Ne. and was glad that I brought along extra supplies; because I had a pod failure. I sometimes think that the cannula is too short…not that I want to be impaled !!

I used to live in Omaha. It has more hospitals & golf courses per capita than any other city in the nation.

4 pods, 1 vial of insulin, your prescription just in case…

and a CAMERA!!! :slight_smile:

i would actually bring 2 vials of insulin. i was in Ohio for a week… and my first night there, i was close to 300. so, because i’d never been high… and bolusing wasn’t doing anything, i changed the pod AND opened a new bottle of insulin. problem solved. even though i’m not positive it was the insulin… i’m glad i had the backup!

Always have a camera…must run in the family since I have an unbelieveable number of pictures from as far back as the late 1800’s!!! I like that humor…thanks Cynthia

Not a bad idea…thanks Emily

Gordie…quite a few golf courses here in the Quad Cities, too. One hosts the John Deere Classic. My daughter is a manager in HR for Union Pacific.

How about taking extra batteries for the PDM? That way if you need them, they will be close at hand.


Thank you Mayumi…since my weekend in Omaha, I’ve gotten a good idea of what I need to take. What I put in my plastic baggie was 3 Pods…extra batteries since thw meter was showing half gone…lots of alcohol wipes…and just in case all of the pods failed…my insulin pen (Memoir) and a Humalog cartidge.

Hope you have a wonderful trip to California. Never been there myself, but after a cold Illinois winter, some California sunshine would be wonderful :slight_smile:

I love California! :slight_smile:

If I were in your shoes I would probably bring along enough supplies (which would be a little different for me, since I’m on a Ping) for three set change outs, two bottles of insulin (one as a back up), a box of alcohol swabs, a container of disinfecting wipes (for the area I use when I switch out), three vials of test strips, and a back up insulin pen and needle caps (or just a bag of syringes for the bottles of insulin).

Most of that stuff you could always get in California at a national pharmacy chain. I don’t know how you get your pump supplies so if anything bring extras of that stuff.

Have fun while in Califnoria!