Traveling forthe first time 24 48 hours in a car with unused Novalog insulin. Please share any tips or suggestions you may have to ensure the safety of the temperature and ease of doing this . Thanks
As long as it stays below 77 degrees the manufacturer says that it should have a 30 day shelf life without refrigeration before it is opened. Still, it seemms that most of us here take extra caution to keep it at a cool temperature by carrying a chill pack. For as long as 48 hours, a small 6-pack sized cooler with ice or ice packs would probably be how I would carry mine in a car for that long. To put things in perspective-- mail order pharmacies ship novolog all the time and its unrefrigerated for way more than 24-48 hours... Some that I have talked to only gaurantee delivery within 21 days of shipment for insulin! Stating that its 9 days within its stable shelf life--- now thats a little beyond my comfort zone!
I agree with Sam, that it's better to be cautious. Cars can get over-warm. Personally, I use a Frio which you can link to and order from on here. They are a lot easier than coolers and you can "recharge" them just by soaking in water.
Thanks Sam very valid point!