Who's gone from a tubed pump to the Omnipod? Pros? Cons?
I'm seriously considering the Omnipod - I'm just SO sick of dealing with tubing and having my Ping clipped to my pocket. I wore a demo pod for a day and thought, hey, this might be a good thing. But, I'm worried about having to carry the PDM with me all the time. I'm just so unsure.....thoughts?
My husband has a tubed pump and I have the Omnipod. Neither of us has had the other. Honestly, while I haven't had my pump long, I have yet to have a problem carrying the PDM with me. I toss it in my purse if I'm going somewhere, just like I would my keys, phone, etc. There's also a belt clip you can buy and wear it on your belt at all times. My PDM stays on my nightstand all the time, and in my purse when I go somewhere. After seeing how much my husband gets tangled in his tubing, and getting tangled in it myself at night lol, I'm glad I'm tubeless.
I wish I could get used to carrying a purse - I have them, but I don't use them regularly....just can't get used to them (and I'm 45, you'd think by now....). Only thing I like about winter time is I have big pockets in my winter coat! Ha! I think I will try it out, just to rid myself of the tubing and constantly having something clipped to me. My doc is on vacation until the 28th, so not sure if he's going to get to the "medical necessity" form he needs to sign before the end of the year. It would save me money if he does, since my deductible has already been met for the year. Starts over at zero after the 1st.....ugh. Have you had any problems with the pods? I've read where people will have alarms going off and such....I've not had any problems with my tubed pumps, and I started back in 2004. Well, not alarm problems or "no delivery" problems - I did have some priming problems, but they were solved.
I too carry my omnipod PDM in my purse but if you dont use one you can wear it with the belt clip or in your pocket. They also have a nice carrying case for the lancing device and test strips.
I have never used a tubed pump so I cant comment on the differences but I love my omnipod. I have not had any problems with alarms or the such. When I have called the 1-800 # I have always had my questions answered and everyone was so friendly. I think that every pump has the advantages and disadvantages - you just have to find one that fits you the best. Being able to shower & swim with the omnipod (as well as the no tubes) was a big selling point for me.
I hope your MD gets the form signed and sent in before the 1st of the year. That would be an extra expense taken away. Best luck. Let us know what you decide.
Thanks, everyone, for your replies. If my doc gets it signed by the end of the week, I could be tubeless pumping by next week! I'm excited!