Who's gone from a tubed pump to the Omnipod? Pros? Cons?
I'm seriously considering the Omnipod - I'm just SO sick of dealing with tubing and having my Ping clipped to my pocket. I wore a demo pod for a day and thought, hey, this might be a good thing. But, I'm worried about having to carry the PDM with me all the time. I'm just so unsure.....thoughts?
Never tried a tubed pump, went straight to Omnipod and hope I never have to leave. Yes, you have to have the pdm with you but not "on" you. You always have to have the equivalent "on" you when you wear the tubed pump. As a woman who never leaves without her purse, I just leave it in my purse. A man may have a harder time, you could carry it in a pocket so it isn't forgotten but you don't have to have it on your person, only within 5' when bolusing.
I wish I could get used to carrying a purse - I have them, but I don't use them regularly....just can't get used to them (and I'm 45, you'd think by now....). Only thing I like about winter time is I have big pockets in my winter coat! Ha! I think I will try it out, just to rid myself of the tubing and constantly having something clipped to me. My doc is on vacation until the 28th, so not sure if he's going to get to the "medical necessity" form he needs to sign before the end of the year. It would save me money if he does, since my deductible has already been met for the year. Starts over at zero after the 1st.....ugh. Have you had any problems with the pods? I've read where people will have alarms going off and such....I've not had any problems with my tubed pumps, and I started back in 2004. Well, not alarm problems or "no delivery" problems - I did have some priming problems, but they were solved.
I’ve never been on a tubed pump so I don’t really have anything to compare the pod to but I don’t find the pdm troublesome at all. Once it is programmed you really just need it to bolus or check your BG. At home, I keep it handy but not on my persond. Work is the same. When I’m out, I carry the pdm instead of my meter if I think there will be am issue with stuff.
If you are just that type of person who has issues with stuff in general, it might be a problem. As a longtime diabetic though, I’ve just accepted the fact that I’m not going anywhere without cargo. In that respect, having to account for the Pdm want much of an adjustment at all.
Good luck!
They shipped the Omnipod today!!
yea! Let us know how it goes!
Great! Can't hurt to give it a try!
Have you ever carried a glucometer? It's the same thing. Always within reach, you use it as a glucometer also, and only needed to check blood sugar and bolus. There have been some issues when priming, sometimes occlucions, sometimes the beep won't go off when changing. Most of them weren't my fault to I just call and they send a replacement. Warning; I always carry 3 times as many pods as I think I'll need just in case. I also grab pods from a couple different boxes just in case there are issues within a batch. Only once have I had two in a row go bad but it can happen, I always carry an extra pod, test strips, vial of insulin and a needle in my purse just in case I need to inject. You could try and get a small cross strap bag, just big enough to carry supplies in.
I used a couple MM pumps for about 5 years before switching to the Omnipod. I love it.
Like barbraann said, the PDM doesn't have to stay "on your person", just needs to be around to bolus or make basal adjustments.
I hope the new pump trial works out and you end up liking it! Keep us posted about how it's going.
Got my Omnipod welcome kit and four boxes of pods today. Already set up the PDM to match my Animas pump settings. Haven't called for a trainer yet, but wondering if it's necessary.....the closest trainer for my area is 5-6 hours away (a "local" rep had called before we even knew my insurance would cover the pods. Looked up his area code to find out where he was). I've read the material that came with the unit and have watched the tutorial online (so much geared for someone that's never pumped....oh well). What do you all think? Should I wait or jump right in? Oh, you should also know that my doctor is only a GP (have never seen an endo) and has never worked with me setting basals or I:C rates - I've always taken care of that myself. My very first pump training was with Medtronics back in 2004 - lasted only 20 minutes (doc didn't even sit in) because I had read everything first. My next "training" was with Animas - rep forgot our appointment - I called him wondering where he was - he "trained" me over the phone because he was already headed home. Also, during the tutorial, it mentioned to pinch up the skin near the cannula for a better insertion. Do you do that? And, I've never used insulin at room temperature (I just take it out of the fridge and fill my resevoir - never had any bubble problems). Do you let it get to room temp?
Room temp insulin is less likely to form bubbles. Pinching up helps if lean and you might rest cannula next to muscle. I'd go ahead with pump start, but that's me.
If you can get away with starting it, why not? But I'm not a medical professional, so don't listen to me. However, I admire the fact you are firmly in charge of your diabetes. Very good thing indeed.
The OmniPod is amazing. I often gaze longingly at the various other pumps out there - but the tubing is what stops me from fantasizing any further. I refuse to be on a tubed pump, even with the OmniPod's issues.
You don't need to keep the PDM on you, but it's good to have around.
Just a piece of advice: it's best to have it close-by when you're out. Not for emergency bolusing but, rather, because of the alarms. Best to shut off the alarm with a press of the button rather than having it go off every few minutes or, heaven forbid, keep sirening. The latter is very, very annoying to others - my coworkers can testify. And the sirening won't stop unless you either push a button on the PDM or take it off and open it up and take a battery out.
Regarding insulin: Insulet insists on room-temperature insulin. It's one of the questions they always ask when I call in a failed pump.
Sounds like you have it all under control and I'd go ahead and start. (but....not a Dr.!) Maybe your rep can walk through it with you over the phone just in case you have any questions related to the Omnipod specifically.
Good luck and like Kitabparast mentioned, it's good to always have the pdm "with" you just in case an alarm goes off.
Let us know how it goes!!
Well, I did it. I'm wearing my first pod. The procedure was simple enough, but my eyes aren't good enough to see if the canula is inserted properly. Since I couldn't see it, I discarded my first pod. I couldn't see the second one either, but felt it go in (as I did the first one). Sooo....I'm just going to test a lot and make sure my sugars don't soar. If they want you to see the canula through that little window, why don't they color it??
Will keep in touch. Thanks for all your help!
I can never see if the canula is in properly and I have decent eyesight! I just always assume it's in. It's definitely a problem. How the heck can you see it when you're placing it on your backside?! It's kind of ridiculous.
I didn’t like the bulkiness of the pod personally, or the fact that if I didn’t have the remote with me that I couldn’t bolus. I’ve been tempted to try them out again though, given that the cost is that much less and that it can allow for someone to be more active without having to worry about a tube that is connecting to you.
However, even with the tubing I like the fact that I can disconnect and the only thing left attached to me is a little port. With the pod its either on or off, and when there is an issue with a pod or the insulin in it the whole thing needs to be replaced.
There are pros and cons to them both.
Yeah, I thought it was ridiculous too. I figure, the thing hurts when it goes in, so it must be in...ha! I just test more often after I change it.
Looks like the newer, smaller pods will be out this spring. The rep told me that they'll be 30-40% smaller than the current pods. Maybe you'll like them better. They are bulky and I don't like having to carry the PDM with me all the time, but the lack of tubing trumps that for me, at this point. I'm excited for the smaller pods.
The fact that I have to carry the pdm with me is never an issue. If you are really concerned about losing it, just hang it off your belt like a tubed pump. At least my Pod PDM I have the choice of sitting it on my desk or leaving in my car or purse. Granted, being forced to carry the working part of the pump on your person is a good way to never forget it. Most of the time, even with the size of the Omnipod, I always forget where exactly I'm wearing it. People ask and I have to feel around on my body until I find it! :) Can't wait for the smaller version!
I didn't get a clip with my PDM and I see on their website they want 20 bucks for one! I'll maybe look for a cell phone case that would fit it, we'll see. With it being winter time, pockets work good for now...ha.