TuDiabetes Admin Team Changes

Those of you who carefully study the right-side directory on TuDiabetes may have noticed that summer 2012 brought some changes in our TuDiabetes volunteer administrative team.

MelissaBL has served beautifully and diligentlyas lead admin since the position's creation several years ago. This summer Melissa left her role as lead to admin to accept an invitation to join the Diabetes Hands Foundation Board of Directors. Thank you for your years of dedication on the admin team, Melissa, and for continuing your commitment to Diabetes Hands Foundation in your new position as board member!

Bradford has now replaced MelissaBL as lead admin, after serving as an invaluable member of the admin team. Many thanks to you, Bradford, for stepping up your role and responsibility within our community, and for your great work already on the team!

And replacing Bradford on the volunteer admin team is Brian(bsc), whom many of you already know as a very active and dedicated member of the TuDiabetes family. Brian is already making a great impact on the team as a whole!

Our community owes all three of you, and everyone on the administrative team, a great debt of gratitude for your tireless work to make this a safe, supportive and open environment, free of spam, gratuitous advertising and self-promotion.

Congratulations on your promotions and jacuzzis!!

Thanks Guys u've been great for us! I thuink the the members of Tu owe them a thanks too.

Thanks to Melissa, Bradford and Brian for all you have done and continue to do for the community!!!


Love you.