Today is a day of big change on the TuDiabetes Volunteer Admin Team.
First, our own, dear Bradford is officially stepping out of his role as Lead Admin. Bradford has served in this capacity for over two years, providing support and and guidance to the Volunteer Admin Team that works so hard to make TuDiabetes a warm, welcoming and safe community for all. We all owe Bradford a huge debt of gratitude for his time and energy, his unerring sense of fairness, deep adherence to our Community Values, and his unwavering dedication to people touched by diabetes. Please let him know he is appreciated! Bradford's kindness, humor and positivity will be much missed by members of the Volunteer Admin Team, and we wish him all the best!
Secondly, Volunteer Admin Brian (BSC), is stepping into the crucial role of Lead Admin. Brian hasserved on the Volunteer Admin Team since the fall of 2012, during which time he has been involved in countless discussions and decisions about how best to support this community. As Lead Admin, Brian takes on the responsibility of helping the team to make decisions that are best for TuDiabetes as a whole, and which are based upon our Community Values and Terms of Service. Brian has a host of strengths to bring to this role, and we are excited to continue to grow the community under his leadership! Lead Admin is an incredibly important role in this community. Please let Brian know you appreciate his willingness to take on the responsibility!
Thirdly, TuDiabetes member Dan P is joining the Volunteer Admin Team! As a member of this important group, Dan will be involved in decisions regarding the day-to-day management and guidance of our members in order to keep the wheels of the community turning smoothly, and ensure that we are all supporting one another well. It's a very big job, done by a very small group of dedicated members. Let him know you appreciate his dedication!