Today we finalized the steps involved in transitioning the entire site from and
Everything else remains the same. Simply all links now point to the .org address instead of the .com address.
If you have us listed on your blog under the .com address, please consider changing the link to point to
If you DON’T have us listed on your blog… why not include a nice link to 
Just curious Manny - on my “calling cards” I hand out to people - I have - will this not work any longer - or when they type in your address - will it automatically take them to the new “.org”? As you can see I’m not an IT gal, but I just want to make sure I’m not giving my clients the incorrect addy - as I keep on beating my chest about what a great place is to go to to meet u with other folks and talk about D!!!
Anna aka FatCatAnna at
This is a very good question. will be pointing to, so they will still work.
Great - as I’m still handing out the cards from time to time that you’d sent to me. Am bringing them with me on my cruise next week - visiting a few islands - and generally I get asked about my pump - then I start to educate them - and Tudiabetes is just one of the many great networks for diabetics to go to on this big blue marble.
Awesome!!! Where you going on your cruise?