As I Type 1, I have always worried a little bit about my kids getting Type 1. However, since joining this site I have heard about so many parents and kids who both have T1 diabetes, and so my anxiety about it has been creeping up. It is my biggest fear. Anyone else? Hpw do you handle these ferars.
Well, my grandfather was Type 1. All of his daughters are (or were) Type 1. My aunt, who has two sons, has two diabetic sons. My mother was diabetic, and I am fine. I have two boys and they are fine. I think there is some hereditary pattern and I think that my family is a classic case. It seems like, if the father has it, the daughters get it. If the mother has it, the sons get it. I don’t know about skipping generations. My uncle has a daughter who is diabetic, but it is also on her mother’s side, so that might have something to do with it
my husband and my son are both type 1, but not me. I actually didn’t even realize our son had a higher risk of getting it until he had it, so I didn’t have to deal with the anxiety part. I would say though that being anxious won’t change whether or not your kids will ever get it or not (not that I have any answers on making the anxiety go away), but at least being familiar with the signs and symptoms will allow you to spot it early should it ever happen… (our boy was not sick yet, just peeing a lot). I have talked to many parents who knew nothing of diabetes and their children got really, really sick before they were diagnosed.
I don’t worry too much…if it happens, it happens. If it does, at least I’ll be in a better place to deal with it than most new parents of T1’s are.
There are things like trialnet which can help ease your fears, or they can scare you even more. I’m of the “I’d rather not know” camp if they are positive for ANY of the antibodies at this point.
I DO test my kids’ BG when they give me reason to worry, but it’s not often.
I used to get a bit worried and test them occasionally, if they were drinking more than usual, etc. Since they are Adults now(I hope that they don’t get it, of course), I know that they will be okay with looking after it and I’m there to help and refer them to different sites(they know about Tud). My Son was asking me many specific questions since one of their Friend’s 6 yr. old was dxd. recently. I answered all of his questions and I also told him to tell her Parents about
I already have an appointment set up in 3 months for all 3 of my kiddos to be tested for antibodies via TrialNet. Babies have to be 1 year old and my twins are 9 months old but as soon as they they turn 1, I’ll bring them and my 2 1/2 year old in for the blood test. TrialNet can not only help take away some fear or make you more aware that you need to keep a lookout for symptoms but it is also an important research program, sponsored by JDRF, etc. I will do anything to help stop type 1 diabetes in future generations so being part of TrialNet is important to me…
~Pam, T1 since the age of 3 and proud mama to 3 under the age of 2 1/2
Wow Pam … this is the first I have heard of TrialNet. You have me thinking … I am not sure what I will do. While I would want to do anything to prevent her from getting diabetes … are you going down to Joslin to get this done?
Hi Donna! Check out their website to learn more: I recently switched endos and it just so happens that my endo’s office participates in trialnet, so my kiddos will have their blood drawn right in Dover! Now if any of them test positive, you have the option to participate in additional research phases and those are done at Joslin. Again, the babies have to be 1 to participate, so you have time to think about it but definitely check out the website.
I have been talking to people at trialnet and my doctor. I am so scared also that my daughter will be type 1. Even if the antibodies are negative they can appear at any time. I test my daughter once in a while if her diaper is super wet. I don’t know how parents can handle a toddler with type 1. I would feel horrible. But trial net is a good idea. I may participate, they will even send you the supplies and your doctor can extract the blood and send it directly to trial net. They say statistically the kids have like a 5% chance of getting it if a parent has it.
Precaution is important, but try not to worry too much. They are still better off.
Pose this question to yourself: If your parents had known that there was a 100% risk of you getting D, then would you still want them to have had you? As big of a pain in the butt as being D is, I’d bed that the answer is YES for most of us. Sure, they won’t have D if you don’t have them, but they won’t know the difference because they were never born.
Adoption is a great option for many couples, and it can really make a huge difference in that child’s life, but I don’t think that D should be the only motivation for choosing that route.
I was diagnosed with Type 1 in June of this year. I am 43 years old, with no history that I know of for diabetes on my mother’s or father’s side. I had gestational diabetes with both my pregnancies, another new one in my family. T2 runs on my husband’s side – his father has it and his paternal grandmother had it, but only got it much later in their life.
I have 2 children and they are fine. Since I got diabetes, I’ve talked to them about it, allowed them to see me take by BG and shots. I believe they are at higher risk for D in general if only because statistically it’s on their father’s side, and I had gestational D. What type they may get is obviously unknown.
Not having had D for much of my life, I don’t want to worry them about this. They eat like normal kids, and eat healthy too. If they ever get it, I’ll be the first to let them know it’s not the end of the world and will show them what they need to do. Fear is understandable, but so many irrational things creep into a child’s life “inherited,” if you will, from their parents and I don’t want them to get this into their system in addition to other things I am unconsciously passing down, if I can help it. That’s my two cents.
I have always shared this concern also, I have 3 healthy sons and 2 granddaughters no sines of it. And before me no one in my family had it. I must of upset some witch doctor or something.
Lol! Right, the furies are after us!
Yes, I guess you can re-test your child each year via TrialNet because the results can change. I was told approximately 3% of children of diabetics will test positive. It is scary…I would also feel horribly guilty.
I think the best way to handle this is to find out everything you can about the problem. If there’s something you can do about it, do your best to do it, if not, do not worry about it and keep researching, maybe there’ll appear a method to keep our children safe!!