Type 1 Diabetes Groups in Boston

I'm a healthcare entrepreneur and passionate about all things diabetes related. Would love to find or build a community for Type 1 diabetics in Boston/Cambridge to talk about the latest trends/research on treatment, therapy, devices, etc.

If you know of any groups and or would be interested in talking more, shoot me a message.



Ashley, you are certainly in the perfect location to be building a D group. Especially with the Joslin in your back yard. There are a bunch of groups locally that meet. There are pump groups, I think CGM groups, or a combination of both. Some are sponsored by the Joslin or arranged by them. While I am not a proponent of the Joslin clinic they do have a vast number of patients and resources to draw from as far as forming groups.

MGH Diabetes Center is also quite large. I know of a pumper's group in the Boston area, but haven't attended any meetings yet.

The only pump group I'm aware of is listed in this link: http://www.isletsofhope.com/diabetes/support/groups_usa_3.html. Also see the Boston Buddies group here, where you can find a member of that support group http://www.tudiabetes.org/group/boston-buddies

It's once a month (second saturday) from 9:30am to 12:00 in Woburn. I've never attended since the time is inconvenient for me, but I believe this group has been in existance for many years, and would be a good place to start from.