I have been T1D for 20yrs and I have to beautiful daughters they have never been tested for anything other than the normal things they check/test for. My oldest is now 6 and my baby just turned 2 last month she has been potty trained for about 5 months now still wears a diaper at night but does not need any during the day I have noticed that for the past week or so she has been asking for water a lot and she has had a few accidents, this had not happened at all except for when I started potty training. As you can imagine im very worried I think I may be overeacting but I just cant help it. She has always been a small baby when she was born she weigh 5.4lbs and right now she is only weighing 21lbs the Dr said he is not worried about her weight/height because I myself am not a big person. Everytime I take her for her regular appointments I remind him that I am diabetic if they should be tested for anything he always gives me the same response “oh you are!?”. So my question is since im making her an appointment to get checked is there a test I should ask for to be done on her? Thanks in advance
This doesn’t answer your question…but when she’s asking for a lot of water/having accidents, couldn’t you test her blood sugar and see where she’s at? That would give you a better idea as to if you need to worry.
I agree with Kari. If your little girl will let you poke her finger, than you can get a decent idea of what her BG is running.
Here is something else you may want to consider: TrialNet Type 1. TrialNet is an international research study that is looking for Type 1 antibodies in children at a higher risk. Basically step 1 is they test the subject and step 2 may occur if any antibodies are present. Step 2 involves some form of treatment to delay/prevent the onset of T1.
Test her blood sugar!! Do it now because at that age, if she is diabetic, she can decline really quickly.
Just went through that with my 3yr old. Her preschool teacher mentioned her asking for milk/water a lot one day, and naturally I was alarmed. The key is to not show it to your child, they’ll pick up on that more easily than you might imagine. I calmly showed her my test kit, she’s seen me use it a million times so there was no curiosity factor. I took out lancet and pretended to poke her finger. “poke poke!” in gentle voice. “beep!” which she cheerfully echos, then put new lancet in stabby tool, set to lowest possible setting, and did it again, she never flinched or cried. I put the drop of blood on the meter and waited the longest 5 seconds of my life… 98, whew! And this was after a pasta meal so i knew she was fine. Not that I don’t still worry sometimes…
Hi, as a diabetic mother of a child that has naturally been thin I can certainly understand your worry and concern. As other’s have suggested I’d calmly check her blood sugar. Do the same way we would test before a meal and 2 hours after. And just remember you have the right to change doctors too. I don’t know your situation, but it always concerns me if everytime I go to a doctor either for myself or my son, esp as an established patient and I have to repeat IMPORTANT key facts every time and they act like its the first time they’ve ever heard me mention it. My advice to everyone, healthy or managing a chronic illness, you have to be your OWN advocate. Good luck, I hope your daughter tests fine.
As far as tests done in the doctors office. I myself am kinda leary of 2 hour glucose tolerance tests especially when testing for diabetes, but it does get results. You could also ask them to check a random glucose which that is often times included in routine blood work, or ask for a A1c, and see what her overall averages have been. Hope that helps, but in the meantime I’d check her blood sugar at home randomly with my meter, or once again depending on your situation, stores now carry a lot of store brand meters and store brand strips which cost wise is a lot more affordable for just random testing purposes. Please keep us updated on how it turns out. But I’d definately be proactive and demand they test when u make her appt, tell them ONCE again you yourself are diabetic and she is displaying a lot of symptoms you are concerned about and REQUEST they test her. If you have to exagerate to get your point across. You gotta do what you gotta do to look out for yourself and others sometimes.
thanks for the link my endo asked me to do this they were actually doing the test at his office but when I called they had changed the study to one for cardiovascular or something like that… I would deff like both my daughters to take part in this.
Hi everyone thanks for the great ideas! I have no idea why I never thought of checking her glucose guess from worrying so much it never crossed my mind. I checked this morning I dont know if its considered fasting since she had a about 4oz of milk at 4am I checked at 730am and it was 65mg thats normal right? I will be checking again after breakfast and will let you all know how it goes… She did great by the way wasnt scared at all she already knows its something mom does everyday so I think thats why she was ok with it
I live in a small town I have to drive 52miles one way to see my endo, and I actually did change pediatricians but I dont think it helped we have seen the same Dr for 2yrs (there’s a few in the office) and I always have to remind him of stuff doesnt seem to know I take both my daughters to him, its kinda frustrating, I might try a diff Dr at the same office or maybe just a new Dr’s office all together. Thank you for your response like I said I have no idea why didnt think of checking her glucose this is why I love tudiabetes.org its great to know their is people out there that understand what your going through
That’s great. Milk does have some carbs in it but I would think this would be close to fasting. Great starting off. I know its hard not to sometimes let what we know about ourselves not scare the living daylights out of us. Also she’s little. Might have them ask to do a urine screening, small children, esp females and the lovely way we are designed…are more prone to urinary tract infections, might be something as simple as that. That would explain more frequent urination and or accidents as anyone who has ever had one can say they make you feel like you have to pee constantly and when you have to go you have to go. Glad so far it is all looking good with the blood sugar, fingers crossed it will stay that way.
“Normal” peoples fasting BG can drop into the 60s. If she is behaving normally, then I would bet she is perfectly healthy and happy! (But quite hungry).
Yep I second trial net, my daughter was just diagnosed and we are testi g our other two kids and myself and husband we did the paperwork and it is all free, sorry your pediatrician is so aloof and uninformed!
I just took both my daughters trying to get my sis to take my niece and nephews they told us it would take about six weeks for the results…
So I finally received the results from Trialnet and they both came back negative for autoantibodies!! I can relax a little now. I will take them back in a year to get checked again. :)
Happy for you !
My 3 years old daughter has diabetes and celiac, and we have a 5 years girl too.
Here in Italy we tested her for celiac and db1 genes, and she is positive.
That doesn't mean anything, because 30% of people has positive genes and they are not all db1 or celiac ;-)
But if the results were negative, you can stay assured she will never get celiac nor db1.
So, if it's not too expensive, you could do that check too (remember: positive doesn't mean she will get db1).
This being a genes test, it has to be done once in life.