Type 2, overweight, and binge eating disorder

Zoe and Pat,

I can't tell you just how good it feels to "talk" with people who have ED's AND are diabetic. As for OA and the grey sheet...I had initially tried OA back in 1988, when they still used the grey sheet, and I walked out of the meeting in tears after being told I'd "never be abstinent if I used sugar at all, even to treat lows"...unfortunately that idiot was the newcomer greeter. Fast forward to 2005, when I decided to try again, and OA no longer uses the grey sheet, in fact, they strongly suggest you work with a doctor and/or nutritionist to develop a meal plan that works for you as an individual. The "three meals a day, nothing in between" is one broad suggestion that they make, but they no longer provide a "diet" regimen. The fact is, though, the advice you're going to get depends on the meetings you find, as there are still people who swear by the "no sugar no flour" regimen, and certain meetings still promote that as "the only way."

I'll have to try some online meetings, Zoe...someone else I know does those, but I've never tried one. Maybe one of these days soon.


Thank you so much Ruth and Zoe. There are some days that I feel so alone with this. There are days when I think I am losing my mind. Depression creeps in some times and then I am off and running, thinking I can adhere to some rigid way of eating...but it slips by the wayside quickly, when I realize I have Metformin, Glyburide, Diovan, Paxil and Lantus to also think about...Sometimes, I feel sick to my stomach and know that I need to eat a decent meal. Not saying I need sugar or flour to the extent I used to, but if there are some tortilla chip crunchies on the top of a taco salad...I can't get all worked up about it or I will go crazy with my rigidity, Do either of you relate??Pat

Also Ruth and Zoe...please tell me where you go for your online OA meetings. I would love to get back in the habit of hearing others, experience, strength and hope...I could sure use it..Pat


Give me a shout out if you go to one. My nick is just "Zoe".

As for your question about being rigid: For me, it might be a little different for two reasons: I'm on mealtime insulin which means I have to bolus for the exact carbs I eat and I try and keep my carbs and insulin down so I would ask for "no tortilla chips" on my salad. I'm not saying I never eat things with more carbs but I don't do it regularly. I also prefer to eat at home where I can control ingredients.

The second reason it might be different for me is that I have 18 years in recovery. So some things are just automatic for example I never eat sugar...ever. I spent a lot of years trying to get abstinent but found I had to totally give up sugar because it was physically addictive to me as well as psychologically and I couldn't eat it "now and then". Works for my D as well as my ED!

In general, yeah, eating disorders complicate D management and vice verse. I learned in my recovery to not be rigid, but in D I often have to do just that. It's a real balance, but for me what works is setting a plan I'm comfortable with and then making it my "new normal".

You are not alone. Many of us have been there. I wish there were an online meeting specific for people with D, but if you live in or near a large city there is a live one. eating disorders are common with D. I just got mine first, most people develop them after. Feel free to friend me.