Unsolicited Advertising

I received some unsolicited advertising in the month of January when a video clip I was in went out the over a few television stations across the country. The link I am posting here is from News Station TMJ4 Video in Milwaukee.

Last winter I hired a Lifestyle Coach, Dr. Cynthia Barnett to help me make some changes in my routine. In the process I learned that I have Type 2 Diabetes which affects everything. Over the course of the last ten months since diagnosis, I've learned all kinds of things I did think I'd ever need to know. I remember how frightened I was the first time I tested my BG level after my first visit with the Diabetes Educator. I am not a cryer and I believe I wept. I didn't want to have to stick myself every day.

While I am not happy that I have Type 2 Diabetes. I am grateful for the opportunities this disease affords me. I have a long way to go and I still have a lot to learn. What I learn, I am happy to share what I am learning with others. While needing to exercise more, I chose to walk carrying a camera with me. Time passes quickly when I am absorbed in shooting nature scenes.

In November, Dr. Cynthia shared my name with someone filming a story on people who hire retirement coaches. The story was filmed and aired putting me on the spot to keep blogging and to continue learning about diabetes. I discovered TuDiabetes.org and now have a whole new place to come to learn and share.

Today I discovered there are many educational videos available through my Netflix account. There are Type 2 Diabetes films, Cooking for Diabetes Shows available and more. The videos range in time and content. From minutes to hours, from cooking shows to medical programs by well know Diabetes Educators and authors. I am happy to find such a wealth of information out there.

Follow your dreams