The 100’th copy of my book was sold today (6-2-10). The book is now being sold on Kindle too. A video of an interview prepared by a professional will be ready soon. I hope the radio show on Saturday will help. I am spending all of my meager profit in paying for the services of professional helpers. My primary interest is to reach out to as many diabetics as possible. I am not going to ever put any profit in the bank. I will keep on advertising and spreading the word.
Book Title: BEATING THE ODDS: 64 Years Of Diabetes Health
.Kindle Link:
·Amazon link:
.ISBN (for bookstores): 1450515967
Was I maybe number 97, ha, ha . ?? Richard , you book arrived today here in British Columbia, Canada …we picked it up from the post office …my eye caught the chapter why some living with type 1 don’t get complications …so for me almost 28 years .
Terrie8 suggested, I should ask for your autograph .
Be well and keep on sharing …thanks
Many people have sent me their address on a self addressed, stamped envelope. I then put an autograph on a sticker and return it to you. You peel the back off the sticker and paste it in your book. Is that OK with you Nel?
I don’t know ( as a Canadian ) , how to go about putting US stamps on the self addressed envelope …any ideas ???
I bought your book Richard157. I want an autograph sticker. I sent you a friends request.
Hi Nel:
Like most, I’ve sent mail to People around the world but I’ve never had to do the self-addressed envelope to be sent back to me, from another country.
I asked at the Post Office and it’d be a pain for Richard. We’d have to obtain(buy) a “coupon” from our Post Office which we would put in the envelope to the US. Richard would have to exchange the “coupon” at his Post Office for the correct amount of US stamps. These US stamps, he would put on our self-addressed envelope and put it in the mailbox. Sounds primitive. Maybe if I phoned another Post Office here, they’d give me an easier way for all of us. Surely we can buy US stamps here, no??
Terrie, Nel and goldensun, just send me a self addressed envelope. I will be happy to send you an autographed sticker. I am perfectly willing to pay the return postage. It is not at all expensive.
Maybe it was me! I got my copy today. Have been sitting reading it since the kids went to bed until I got online! I am on page 129 and will probably stay up late to finish. Your story is sweet and it is lovely to hear about your many years of living with T1. It truly inspires me. I know how easy I have had it, being diagnosed in a totally different era. Life without a glucometer is something I simply cannot imagine. Thanks for sharing it.
PS I especially am enjoying the photographs.
Congratulations, Richard!!!
Oh YAY Richard!! That makes Life a lot easier. Thanks a Bunch for the offer!! A Big Congrats on your 100th book sold.
Btw Richard, I believe that it is your right to delete a post of yours if you want to. Especially if you decide that your post doesn’t fit in the thread or if your post is in err and preferrably if no one has responded to it. That’s why the little x is on the top right side of our posts. To delete.
It’s just that some People when they leave Communities, delete ALL of their posts which make other People’s posts in threads look…senseless. It is also not Cool for the Author of a thread to remove the discussion starter post. It is only possible for you to remove your post(s), no one else’s. Only the Admin or Manny can do that.
Thanks Manny!!!
Thanks Terrie! Been there and did that. I can write books, but I am a dummy when it comes to computers. (I need a blushing smiley here.)
Richard …I have sent you a PM , asking for your postal ( we call it in Canada " Royal Mail " ) address to receive your autograph …and thanks to Terrie8 also to get the process started .
Well, no one is Good at everything Richard but I have seen you on many Communities(including as Moderator) and I think that you do just Fine. I know some Folks who are Good in jobs like Machanics, building boats and Chefs but they don’t have the mind for computers even though they have tried to learn.
I mean, I can sew and embroider but I can’t hem a pair of pants properly for the Life of me. One leg is always shorter than the other(much to my Hubby’s dismay). Great…now the whole world knows. Now that’s worth blushing about.
I envy you Richard(I know that’s a sin…erk!) I had started writing a book about my Life with Diabetes in my early thirties but I am so detailed that I gave up since I thought that I would never finish it. You have created a piece of Diabetes History for all to enjoy forever, taught Students a subject that I suck at, lived far beyond a “scheduled” age with Diabetes, etc. Excellent!!
*I forgot to say that you can delete any messages on your page.
That is such a wonderful message Terrie! I am glad we are good friends.
Thanks so much Danny. you write great blogs. When you have enough of your life behind you, you can write a book. I know you would do a very fine job with it.