My Video

And now for something completely different. It is a video advertising my book. A professional lady who runs a service to help authors market their books made the video. It is included among the reviews on my amazon page for my book. Cover your eyes and don’t watch my old face…just listen.

This review is from: Beating The Odds: 64 Years of Diabetes Health (Paperback)

It’s Very Nice to meet you Richard. :slight_smile: You look Fine and you have a Good strong voice. Do I detect a slight NY accent? :slight_smile: My Family and I thought that you sounded like a Professional sharing some indepth knowledge about Diabetes, during your interview.

Our Diabetes backgrounds sound somewhat similar. So little that they(we) knew back then. You indeed must have Good genes. I was dxd. with Retinopathy after 22 years with Diabetes. You are right about our diets and treatments needing to be individual, case by case.

We truly enjoyed your interesting interview Richard. You’re hired!! :slight_smile: Thank you!

Thanks so much Terrie! We just returned from a 12 day trip to visit our sons, relatives, and grandkids. We used our car, and we are exhausted! I’m pleased that you liked the video.

Hey Richard: :smiley:

Wonderful to see you. I was worried about you since you’ve been MIA. I mentioned your absence to Nel. I can imagine how tired you are after that trip but I’m Very Happy that you were able to enjoy your Family. A different atmosphere is Good for the soul and mind usually.

What can I say?? You’re my Hero?? :smiley: Now relax!! Talk to you soon Richard.