Used Insulin Pumps

Hello All,
In a few months I plan to get a pump.
What do you pumpers do with the old pump when you upgrade to a newer one?
Is it a trade-in for a new one. Like buying a car?
Can you get a reconditioned pump for a lesser price?


You can also donate them to

I have kept mine as a back up.

I donated my old pump to a friend who couldn’t afford to purchase a new one. He got the approval by his doctor, the minimed rep said she would take care of diagnostic checks or something like that. He soon after moved to england and i have not spoken to him since. I hope all went ok with it all… Maybe I should look him up and find out how things are going. Thanks for the reminder :smiley:

With Accu-chek (Disetronics), they give you two pumps to start with, so you always have a backup pump. My insurances paid for the whole thing each time, as I had a doctor’s letter of medical necessity. When I upgraded, I sent them back to Accu-chek. I would feel very vulnerable without my backup pump.

I did the same thing when I would upgrade from one Minimed to the next model over the years. Then when I moved over to a Cozmo pump last summer, Smiths Medical (Cozmo’s manufacturer) took my Minimed for a $500 credit. So some pump companies will even offer trade-in incentives for other brands of pumps, apparently. Go figure.

My Accu-chek sales people said they are considering stopping sending out the back up pump, hardly no one ever uses it. I felt uneasy at first, what do they think is going to go wrong with the main pump and now Ican’t imagine going a second without my pump. I am feeling more secure knowing I have a spare if needed.

In 18 years, I have had a few things go wrong. When they first came out, they were waterproof, and once I jumped into a pool, not knowing I had a hairline crack from over tightening the batteries, and it filled up with water. I haven’t heard anything about them not having the option to have the backup. It seems to me to be one of their strong points, as I don’t think anybody else does it.