The Medtronic helpline guy told me that they will still work, but are not covered for replacement if you have problems. However 9 months is a lot time after expiration of a 6 month viability product. Try and see. The sensor will not harm you, but the results may be wonky.
Interesting finger stick number.. I test at least 8 times per day. It seems to be pretty standard on Tu for CGMers.
Dumb question, what's a sensor? I've heard this term before but always thought it related to CGM's which I don't have. But you said "for your Revel pump". Just curious. I hate when I don't know the meaning of a term!
I have used outdated sensors ( yes Zoe, related to CGMS ), however the outdated time was less than you gave here( can't recall how much less ) . On the side , are you aware of the discussion by Dr. Kaufman from Medtronic, see Emily Coles posting on Jan 11 , 1-2 pm PST should sign up
I think the sensor is the thing you stick into your abdomen, that senses your BG from which the transmitter beams it to your CGM. The Medtronic Revel pump has a CGM built into it so, if you get the sensors, you don't need an additional gizmo. The Dexcom, OTOH, has a separate unit that tracks your BG and you communicate your BG to your pump, or make injection calculations, separate from the CGM.
Thanks, guys;now I thought that's what it was, but got confused when the OP was talking about a pump. I hate not being "in the know" (even though I have zero desire for a CGM!)
NO,I was NOT aware of Doctor Kaufman's online discussion,interesting.
I agree that the results may be wonky. However, I always finger stick as a second line defense if the CGM alarm chimes.
Hard core bicyclist, I've suffered from some wicked lows before.
XC skiing last week was semi tricky, as cold weather masks low glucose values. 40+ years of diabetes have made my hypo awareness factor diminish considerably.
I think the link you provided shows that the study indicates they are ok to use up to 18 months past the expiration date, and for more than 3 days of use.
CONCLUSIONS: Neither the expiry date nor the 3-day period of use limits the reliable function of a CGMS sensor. Sensors were found to function as long as 18 months after the expiry date, mostly for at least 7 days. There were no serious local adverse reactions. Prolongation of shelflife label and insertion time appears to be reasonable. Further studies are in progress.
I always wear a sensor for seven days. I was originally told 6 days was the top, but that changed the day of the week for the changeout. While I was working, it was just too much to changeout at work so I went to seven, At the end of 7 days, the transmitter needs charging, so I charge the transmitter and insert a new sensor.