Walking the Walk in Kansas City

This past Saturday, I participated in my first JDRF Walk for the Cure. I have to say, it was a really amazing event. I haven’t seen any official numbers, but they were expecting 10,000 people and to raise, I believe, $750,000. Our adult T1 Team, “AT1 – We run on insulin” had raised $3,850 as of walk day (way to go team!) and had some shirts made, designed by team member Andy Pitt.

Read more at Strangely Diabetic

Congrats for all you guys raised that’s awesome, I was also there with my boyfriend. I have participated in the walk for the last 6 years. Next year my boyfriend wants to get our own team together and make shirts and all. It is a really neat event! Good job

Thanks Linzie, it was a lot of fun