… I just wanted to post because today was a horrible blood sugar day. So often we are tempted to show our good, “well-controlled” diabetes side. So I decided to share my numbers with you… so that if you have a bad day, you will know that you are not alone.
I should add this is one of those bad days that I can completely blame on myself and poor decisions and bad management.
All I have to say is, I hope that tomorrow will be a better day!
Starting from midnight last night:
12:29am- 63 mg/dl (an all too common night time low, basal testing time again)
1:09am- 143 " (I overtreated)
2:27am- 111 " (corrected finally)
8:42am- 74 " (The day is looking good)
11:36am- 91 " (after a 24g cereal bar for breakfast, not bad)
Ate a high carb lunch (cheese tortellini counted at 70g), bolused 20 minutes early
2:47pm- 67 mg/dl (either i overbolused or should have used dual wave bolus)
To treat the low, I had some honey, followed by some cake (while talking on the phone and not really paying attention to how much I ate)
5:52pm- 303 mg/dl (why did I wait this long to check???)
Corrected, bolused for dinner (but waited to eat) and used the super bolus (I wanted to get down from 300 fast)
7:00pm- 49 mg/dl (I waited to long to eat, why didn’t I eat when the kitchen timer went off??? the over ate cause I was really afraid that I was going to keep dropping)
8:21pm- 241 mg/dl (yes, I did overeat, but apparently I have enough insulin on board to correct this)
10:37pm- 297 mg/dl (so while washing dishes, I decided to eat “just a few” strawberries without bolusing for them or even carb counting, good idea Kristin!)
Time for bed, I’ve corrected and would just like to end this rollercoaster of a day (and my constant bad decision-making). Hoping for a 70-150 day tomorrow! Wishing you all a much better day than mine!