Bad Day

I woke up with a 199 blood sugar yesterday and did a correction and then went to school. I re-checked later and saw i went up to 434, I checked ketones, and they were large. I did a shot and said I'd recheck later. And when I did my meter said HI. After I threw up multiple times, I took out my infusion site and saw that the needle was at a 45 Degree angle and it was clogged with insulin. I layed in bed drinking liter after liter of water and felt awful. I hate being sick from diabetes and I keep missing school for it. My friends say they understand. I said, "No... You don't know the first half..." I'm sick of my diabetes and feel like I'm somehow giving up on myself...

Angels, if you look around this site you will see many stories that read much like yours. I have posted one or two myself. Just hang in there and this too shall pass. As for your friends...what does a person say to a friend when they are going through a bad time. "I understand" I believe is one of the most over used phrases in the english (or any other) language. Remember, they are friends and are there for you. Give them a little slack cause they truly do not know and understand what you are going through.

You can beat this. Don't let the beast get you down. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

A&A no, your friends don't understand..But we do and we are your cyber friends. We have all had those crappy days. I like to get on my "pity pot" BUT when I look in the mirror, I see someone who is much stronger than this stupid crummy disease. Someone who will not let some stupid glucose molecule win. I know you looked in the mirror after your horrific day and said,"ha, take that Mr. D, I won this round" and you got right back up on the insulin horse and rode into the sunset to conquer another day!!! Keep hanging in there, no, it won't get easier (most people tell me that it will but they have NO clue) BUT every morning we wake up is the first of many accomplishments we will have for that day!!