I haven’t seen anything posted about this recently so I’ll give it a go. Does weather affect blood sugar? I.e. very hot, or very cold? Humidity?
Ok, I’ll resurrect this. There was a previous discussion on this but no replies. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
Yup. and no matter what time of year remember to be extra careful especially when relaxn in hot tubs, steam rooms or while taking a long hot bath. With increased circulation all tend to amplify insulin absorption rates. If you have an impending low it may be brought on much quicker leaving you in the heat. If your glucose is to high try to stay out of the heat. That could be two forces working against you towards dehydration. Then there’s stimulants, diuretics and truly extra calories burned if your in a freezing situation.
Hi Jen
The heat has always affected my Diabetes(brings my sugar down quicker than normal). The cold doesn’t make a difference to me Diabetes-wise, that I’ve noticed. The cold just makes my RA pain much worse.
I find that I’m a lot more intolerant of heat than I used to be. My bg levels seem to fluctuate unpredictably. I haven’t yet experienced being diabetic in cold weather, but cool/mild seems to work for me best so far…
I’ve read that diabetics have an imparied ability to sweat – is this true? I’ve never been the type to sweat a lot, but this was true before diagnosis.
On the other hand it seems that everyone responds a bit differently to heat/cold, etc. Such an individualistic affliction…
I’ve told the story on here before when I travelled from my house in the mountains in Guatemala to the beach which was a much more tropical climate and much hotter than I was used to. I walked about 15 minutes down the beach to a restaurant that was known for their homemade pasta which I’d decided to splurge on. I ordered and then went to take my bolus, but the needle broke. I hadn’t brought any extra needles from the hotel and the food was on its way so I figured I’d be outrageously high and correct when I got back to my room. I got back and was normal almost low and continued to test, but no spike. I spent the rest of the visit taking significantly less insulin and went back to normal doses when I went home.
On the other hand I live in the Bay Area where it is normally about 65-70 degrees and the last four days we have had a heat wave where it hit 90-95 each day and I saw no effect on blood sugars. The humidity was quite low unlike the Guatemala beach where it was very high, so I wonder too if its the humidity not the temp. I also wonder if people who live in consistently hot summers only have the effect when the weather changes and then their bodies adjust?
I haven’t been anywhere cold since I started insulin.
I reallly have trouble with heat and humidity. My pump when I sweet ALWAYS comes unglued plus the hotter it gets the lower I go. Just my experaince.
I have a very similar experience, lows and also a bit of erraticness just to make life extra fun. The best part is that my endo dosen’t believe me when I tell him this.
well for me…when it is really hot I will hypo a lot quicker than when it is cold. Sometimes when it is NOT hot but I get moving really fast and get hot anyway, I get hypo. The cold seems to make my blood sugar a little slugish. I prefer hot over cold for diabetic reasons and for personal reasons.
That profile pic you got Caprifoglio, probably defines the LA heat wave pretty well. LoL !
Hot weather makes a big difference. When I do hot yoga, my bg drops like nothing else. I actually have a really hard time not going too low.
Every summer my insulin requirements drop.
When I start taking my allergy meds, my insulin requirements go up.
Don’t forget elevation change:
When I go up to Tahoe to see my family (about 6000 ft elevation difference), the first night, and the next day, I need no insulin, and usually have to get up in the middle of the night for a snack. Then by the 4th night, I have worked my way back up to my normal dose. When I come back down to near sea level, I don’t have to correct.