Gang, 'been having a strange thing going on this week.
I've been working nonstop for over two weeks -- not a day off, 12-13 hour days. Big project that's late.
So, this has of course run me down. I got a mild cold, started monday.
BG has been running higher, and I've been correcting best I can. Biggest issue has been with mornings... brushed 200 yesterday and today after heading out to work, and didn't get it back down to 80's until 11 or so.
Here's the thing: I've been feeling mildly hypo below 120 the last 2-3 days. I test, and find I'm just fine. I feel the same (little bit 'o hypo) all the way down to 70-75, and then the symptoms start to build on my way down to 60 if it comes to that. Of course I treat.
Anyone else experience this while under the weather? Am I possibly just mistaking the symptoms of the illness for hypo symptoms? Thing is, I don't ever remember feeling like this when sick when I wasn't a tight control monster. Ever since I decided to stop killing myself and get on the control bandwagon, I've noticed this when I'm sick, or sometimes when I'm really -- I mean totally -- exhausted and sleep-deprived.
I'm thinking I'm just misdiagnosing what I'm feeling, and attributing it to a hypo-like reaction, because it feels similar, but the cause is really in fact the cold bug I'm fighting.
Love to hear experiences/advice from the rest of you.
Good news is, my immune system seems much stronger after 4 months of tight control. Any cold when I was chronically running in the 300s would take me out. Other than a few sniffles, headache, and a little scratchy throat, I'm totally 100% functional walking wounded, with plenty of energy. I count that as a win!