Hello everyone!
I am considering getting a CGMS as I have terrible hypo unawareness. I recently contacted Dexcom since I have an Animas Ping and I know they are moving towards pump integration soon and I want this feature badly. Believe it or not, my BCBS of GA approved it with no fighting this week, first try at it! Right now we are working on getting the deductible stuff straightened out since there was some issues with this. They did say that they would cover 100% of the supply costs once I met the deductible, which is awesome!
So I go to the diabetes expo today here in Atlanta and now I am not sure I made the right choice going with the Dexcom. Of course all the reps from the competing companies said their CGMS was best. There is so much conflicting data on which CGMS is “best” so I would appreciate your feedback. What is the most important to me is life of the sensor, the ability to catch lows, time to calibrate, and time to charge the transmitter. Of course since I have never used a CGMS I am sure there are other things that are important too that I just don’t realize at this point, so feel free to enlighten me on what I have missed.
Thanks for the help!