What Diabetes has meant to me this semester

Hi Everyone,

Just to start I am currently a Senior at Elizabethtown College located in Elizabethtown Pennsylvania. Myself, along with 3 of my friends, live in a Student Directed Leaning Community (SDLC) house on Campus. Our group's name is "The Sugar Shack." We chose this name because myself along with another one of my roommates are Type 1 diabetics. in addition, we volunteer with the ADA and help out with any events they may have going on. Our mission for this house is to spread awareness and education about diabetes to our peers and community. Here is a brief recap of what we did this semester. October 2nd we had all participated in the Step Out: Walk to stop Diabetes. For this event we had raised a little over $1,000. In addition, we had volunteered at the Kids Zone where after the walk, kids and their parents could come and tye-dye shirts or do other crafts if they wanted. Next, on Homecoming, we had a table where people could donate to our cause if they so well please. Lastly, on November 14th was world diabetes day. for this, we had set up a table on our campus where we had sold bracelets as well as spread awareness about diabetes. Through all this, I have found that not only have we been helping others understand, but I feel that it is given me a new confidence to go out and not be afraid to spread the word about what diabetes really is to others as well.

As of now my friends and I are still looking for ideas for next semester so if anyone has any thoughts or comments please share!

thank you!

That's a great effort and a great job putting positive energy into something!

Thank you!