Perhaps this is something I should have asked when I purchased my Dexcom CGM, but what happens when the transmitter’s battery dies? Does Dexcom charge me for a replacement transmitter, and if so, how much does it cost?
I believe the transmitter does need to be replaced. I’m not 100% sure but I think the replacement costs less than original but I guess a rep can confirm that for you. (Or someone on here who has been through it). I also believe the life span of transmitters are around 1 year. They need to work on that if that’s the case!
All I know is that the transmitter has an one year warranty. When my one year was up and decided that I wanted to upgrade to Dexcom 7 Plus! You need to call and ask Dexcom that question.
That’s pretty much all I know, too. Just wanted to ask to see whether anyone had any real world experience with transmitter replacement, issues with insurance for transmitter replacement, etc. Thanks.
If you’re covered on insurance, I’m sure they would pay for a replacement if you are out of warranty. Generally, insurance coverage on medical devices is such that you can get a new one when your warranty expires.
The Transmitter cannot be opened to do a battery replacement. (And you might not be able to open the Receiver either, although removing the four small screws on the back of the case, with the right sort of bit, might work. It might also be possible to drill them out with a rotary tool.) But even if you got in there, and didn’t leave steel filings all over the place, I’ve got no idea what sort of battery would be used-- and whether you can get at it easily.
I’ve had Transmitters last almost 18 months before discarding them-- always for an “upgrade”, and never because they wore out. The Receiver seems to behave best when you keep it fully charged all the time (that’s three bars, never showing two bars). But my two well-aged Receivers seemed to show signs of wearing out a little bit bit earlier than the Transmitters… they needed recharge more often as they began to wear out.
They do cost a lot-- check the Dexcom website for current prices. But I’ve never bought one; long before they’ve completely worn out, I’ve always “pulled the trigger” on an upgrade program purchase into the next generation. If Dexcom’s system parts ever do become “stable”, un-enhanced for long enough periods to actually wear them and replace them with identical parts, then insurance will them: As with pumps, when they’re out of warranty and worn out, no longer trustworthy, insurance covers replacements. BTW, there’s different billing codes for the two kinds devices (Receiver versus Transmitter).