I was just wondering what other people are paying for their diabetic supplies, and which insurance company provides the best coverage on these products.
Hi I pay 20.00 for 2 vials of humalog insulin but my insurance covers any amount when I was pregnant I would get 8 vials of humalog and my copay was the same. I dont pay a copay for my Dexcom sensors or for my pods I pay 40.00 for 200 strips that last me about a month maybe a little more sometimes. I am on United healthcare oh also my pump and Dex were covered at 100%
I'm not so sure it's as easy as the insurance company. When getting coverage through your employer it all depends on the contract between your employer and the insurance company.
But... the high-end coverage from my company through CIGNA... I have a $10 copay on doctor's visits. No copay on labs. Using CIGNA's mail order pharmacy, costs for a 3 month supply: $5 copay on generic no-brand-name prescriptions and $10 copay on insulin and test strips (using formulary brand) and $20 copay on non-generic prescriptions.
Using local pharmacies I'd pay the same much but only for a 30 day supply.
I am actually pretty happy with CIGNA's mail order pharmacy lately.
I have WEA Trust (private insurance for WI teachers).
I pay $25 per month for 3 vials of NovoLog. Test strips are free if they are OneTouch Ultra strips (which is what I use - 250 a month). I believe there is a co-pay for other brands. Glucagon is free (2 kits per year). My DME (pump supplies) I am not sure about. In the past my deductible/out of pocket max was only $100 a year and I met that before ordering supplies so was never billed. Now it's $1000 a year....so we'll see if I get billed when I reorder next. If so, that'll eat up most of the deductible for one insulin pump supply order. And my copays on dr. visits are $10.
Oh and forgot to say: Pump supplies are covered (after deductible? again not sure how it works now with my higher deductible) at 100% if I use Edgepark to order. If I order from Animas they pay only 70%. (Which makes no sense because Edgepark charges more per box of supplies!)