Who Am I?

Hi all I am new here. Here is a little infor about me. My family and I have lived in NY, CA, and now Rockford, IL. I am married I have a daughter who is 7 yrs. old and I am now 29 weeks pregnant. I have type 1 diabetes I was diagnosed when I was 9 years old. I had a moment where I was fighting the fact that I was a diabetic and that I will have to take insulin for the rest of my life. But now I think my life is showing me that all of this is not so bad.

My daughter was diagnosed on March 30 with T1D. And in my effort to show her that she can still do all that she could do before her diagnose I have gotten better control on my own diabetes.

I have learned very fast that taking care of my diabetes and seting the right example for my daughter to do the same is a full time job. That is on top of the other full time job I have of being a ballet teacher, and my daughter personal driver.

I am really looking forward to the exchange of information. My daughters bff, Missy and her fiance John S has told us a lot about the interchange of ideas, tips and the discussions. Can't wait to be a part of it all.

Welcome to TuDiabetes!


Congratulations on the soon-to-be addition! Children are a blessing in so many different ways, and I am glad that she has inspired you to get better control of your own care. I really think that that is the greatest gift you can give to her or yourself. T1D does not have many advantages, but in this case she can’t pull the “you don’t understand” crap that those of us with non-D parents pulled. You’ve already got a leg-up!

Welcome Home…Glad that you joined us here, am sure you will enjoy every second of being here…we are all sweet people same as all the diabetics around the world…am bluffing!!!

Any how just welcome and I advise you to join some of the groups that could be of interest to you…such as…parents of D’s…Type 1 D…etc

Feel free to check my page and add me as a friend…careful decrease the volume…!

Welcome kittiecouture! I found this site not long after my recent diagnosis with T1, and I’m hooked! LOL!

Mark thanks for the welcome.

Groups, there are groups on here. I did not notice any groups. Where do I find these groups that you speek of? Oh right the volume… sorry! :slight_smile:

Caprifoglio thanks for the welcome. Hope all is going good for you since your diagnosis.

Tom can’t be more right about the “you don’t understand” crap although she has tried to pull it on me but it was a no go, it may work on her dad but not me. But she did give me a run for my money when it came time to do her shots. I guess it was pay back for what I did to my mum and dad.

The sound was not that loud on your page.

Welcome to our big, big, did I say big yet family. If you have a question you can always stop by my page or send me a message.