I was reviewing my BS logbook for ways I could tighten up control to lower my A1c without producing lows.
What is the purpose of using a target range on a pump? Why not just simply have a target number! ie 100. I think this would give you a better ability to correct.
the range maybe higher during the night ( when sleeping ) …you may get lots of beeps /vibrations otherwise…and consequently NOT sleep too well …hope I am correct in suggesting ???
You can set a number simply by using the same number for the top and bottom of the range. Mine is set at 100-100.
However, I believe that the reason the pump uses a range is because of the margin of error in our meters. The pump does not know what our BG is, it only knows what we tell it (or what our meter tells it, or what our meter tells US to tell it . . .whatever.) But the number we get from the meter isn’t THE number. It’s a guesstimate. Anyone who has taken two readings in a row, just to be sure, knows that the numbers never match and could be as far apart as 20 points. Or more.
So when you tell the pump “I’m eating 45 carbs and have a BG reading of 120” the bolus wizard can fudge a little and say “well, it MIGHT be 120, or it might be 140, or it might be 110 . . . in order to avoid putting you in hypoglycemia I’m going to recommend a bolus that should put you on the high end of your range of 80-120. Just in case.”
When I first got a pump that allowed a bolus range, I was told by the pump trainer (also a type 1 diabetic) to set the range at 100-100 - so that the bolus wizard always aims for that value. According to her, if your BS is high it will aim for the high value in your range, and if it is low, it will aim for the low value - so it is better to have it at your ideal value.
After reading all this I have changed my setting to 5.5 ( x18 ) -5.5 (x18 ) …I have learned and thank you all !! And discard my 12 hours ago message .
PS It was set from 5.5- 6.7 .
Another reason for a range could be that you have to factor TIME. You test and your 150 lets say, well your insulin takes how long to treat that number? 25-45 minutes lets say… well in 25-45 mins you might not be 150, you could be higher or lower. So more or less insulin migh be involved. A range gives room for that error too.
to me a range seems a lil better bc if u have a range of 90-110 and ur sugar is within that range ur pump wont give as much to nock ya away, bc lets say ur sugar is 120 and its set to 100 only, itll give insulin and may knock ur bg too low, it gives it a ittle bit of leg room sorta say, not to sound like im not watching myself or any thing, but before i got laid off at work my bg rane was around 300-330 and that was bc i would check my sugar around 2am at work and i would be at 500 or soo and at 5am i woud be between 40-60 and this happened every night … and if u couldnt tell i worked from 5pm - 5am
On the Cozmo pump that I used to use, you only gave a target number- not range. Mine was 100.
When I switched to Minimed, which asks for a range, I left it at 100-100. But I realized when pumping, if my blood sugar is 85, then the pump reads this as low. I noticed that the bolus wizard suggests a negative correction bolus when I am low. So it would suggest a negative correction at 85 mg/dl. For this reason, I switched my daytime range to 80-100 and left nighttime at 100-100. I don’t see why I should raise the upper end, but defining a lower lower end made sense to me.
The upper end determines correction bolus when you are high (so my pump corrects me to 100, not to 80 or 80-100, but when I am low, the pump corrects me (with negative correction bolus) to the lower bound.
There is a range because each individual is unique based on the hundreds–if not thousands–of variables that contribute to control. The range is a general guide. If you have found your specific number, go with it. I have been juggling all the variables for more than four decades (much of that time the A1C test did not exist), and I have yet to ascertain a specific number for A1Cs or pre-meal BG levels, etc…