I've been a pump user since 2002, and I've been using the bolus wizard ever since it came out, but I'm not sure I've got my bg targets set correctly, and I think that's sometimes causing me to overcorrect.
My target for 8 AM to noon is 100; from noon to 11:30 PM it's 115; from 11:30 PM to 8 AM it's 110. No one has ever explained to me how to set these...I just kind of guessed. I also don't understand how or rather why one would set a range?
You set a range so the pump will either give you a correction if you are over your target, or do a neagtive correction at mealtime if you are under your target. It does this based on the target you tell it you would like at that time, and your insulin sensitivity factor that is programmed in your pump along with the duration of insulin action on your pump that you have set. Setting targets helps you to tighten up control without stacking insulin - it takes into consideration IOB, insulin sensitivity factor, duration of insulin action, and any carbs you are about to eat if at mealtime or snacking.
I have mine set for 70-100 overnight (we are TTC and my endo wants a BG from 60-90 in the AM), and 90-100 at all other times.
John, one of the problems I have is that my schedule is very erratic, so I’m never eating at the same time, but I do suspect that might be one of the problems. Although I never correct unless I’m wildly over target at the 2-hour mark (target being around 150, and I wouldn’t correct unless I was at 180 or more)…but there’s not a regular time each day for the 2-hour post prandials.
Jennifer…it sounds like you do pretty much what I do, which is to set a bedtime target, a morning target, and a rest-of-the-day target. The other thing (other than occasionally going too low) that made me rethink this is that if my target is 100 in the AM, but my bg is, say, 90, I wouldn’t need the correction. So I think I’ll set a range, which I hadn’t done before.
By the way, what is “TCC?” I’m assuming it has to do with tight control, but can’t figure out the 2nd c…and maybe I’m totally off base as to what it means?
And Judith…thanks for the support. In this situation, we’re not only talking about target blood glucose levels to avoid complications, we’re talking about setting targets for the purpose of our pump programming so that it’ll give us correction doses of insulin when we need it, without our having to do all the math each time.
I think that makes sense…not sure if I’ll remember it by tomorrow, lol. I’m also recovering from a stroke, so the more complicated, the harder it is for me to deal with it. But I’m printing that out and will try to figure it out on the pump tomorrow. Thanks John!