Why is it so hard to motivate diabetics to take care of themselves?

I remember taking my teenage daughter who was smoking through lung cancer wards in one of Chicago’s larger hospitals. It didn’t do a thing.
What stopped her smoking was that a woman who she looked at like a mother, the mother of her closest friend, with whom she lived for awhile, died of lung cancer after a life of smoking. Fini. Habit gone.
Sometimes it takes extreme actions to break habits. Having a close friendship with someone who died worked for my daughter.
Getting other teenage diabetics into her life - joining TuDiabetes - being with those who are on a pump and working in close friendships with other diabetics will help drop the facade. She’s scared, and tho she may have been given all the teaching in the world, she now needs the opening to copy others’ habits - wearing a pump, testing appropriately and using a monitor, - and probably lowering those yum-yums.