Wish me luck with my speech on diabetes

This friday I will be giving an informative speech for my communications class. Its the first speech I have ever given so I’m kinda nervous but it helps that i chose a topic I know alot about. DIABETES :slight_smile: More specificly it is on How Type 1 and Type 2 are different. Right now I’m in my room practicing it as well as working at my outline and the written version. I’m kinda tired cause I had a math test this morning and spent the afternoon doing Psychology but the time is ticking on closer to friday to I have to get it ready! It’s a possible 60 points so I’m very concerned with doing well!!

Hugs to all :slight_smile: Leanna

Good luck! You’ll do great.

Well, you have chosen an interesting subject there(at least to us :wink: ). Diabetes is a never-ending learning experience for sure. I’m sure that you’ll make a Wonderful “Diabetes Educator”. Good Luck getting the 60.

You are going to rock it!!!

Thanks guys!! I’m putting a variety of items on a small tri fold board to use as visual aids and I’ll also be showing my pump. I’ll post a pic of the board tommorrow or thursday.

My speech went well :slight_smile: Now I wait for the grade!