World Diabetes Day celebrations!

Yesterday was one of my favourite days of the year, and one that I’ll not be soon to forget–World Diabetes Day!

Despite the cold. Despite the wind. Despite the rain. We had an amazing day.

Yesterday, a group of 40 amazing, enthusiastic, energetic and INSPIRING individuals with Type 1 diabetes got together, along with our 5.5ers (those our are friends and fam, living without diabetes… dubbed such as they always seem to have that ‘perfect’ blood sugar of 5.5mmols/L!) for an amazing day of CELEBRATION! This group of young (and young at heart) adults came together to celebrate all that Type 1 diabetes has given us.

The day started out a little dreary… as I emerged from the subway, I (along with my exceedingly heavy tripping pack full of our gear for the day) was greeted with a sprinkling of rain, along with a wind chill and dropping temperatures. Nothing that could dampen my excitement, however! Within the hour, six ‘team’ had come together to take to the streets of Toronto, spreading awareness about life with diabetes, educating the public, getting ourselves noticed and, most importantly, having fun and getting active!

An amazing team of Connected in Motion Slisptreamers came together to develop, organize and facilitate a World Diabetes Day themed Photo Scavenger Hunt! Teams dispersed throughout the city to accumulate as many points and pictures as they could from our Photo Scavenger Hunt item list! Teams won points for taking video of themselves leading strangers in physical activities, for photographing WDD posters being put up (by the teams) in the most noticeable and prominent locations in Toronto, and for locating the most absurd ‘no sugar added’ options that could be found in the city.

After three hours of ‘scavenging’, teams met back for dinner and drinks. We shared our most memorable moments with one another. One team shared a story of how they had met a homeless man on the street begging for change. The team didn’t have change to give the man, but had extra juice boxes (in case of lows). They offered the man a juice box, and he gratefully accepted it, telling the group that he, in fact, had diabetes and juice was always a welcome ‘donation’. That really brought to light how lucky many of us really are. The team spent some time with the man and tried to get an idea of what it must be like to live on the street as a person with diabetes. Another team shared the story of how, upon meeting a stranger and asking to educate him about diabetes, said stranger promptly told the group “You can’t have diabetes. You don’t look like Diabetics”. The group then proceeded to ask the man to describe what a person with diabetes looked like. After trying to put his thoughts into words, all the man could come up with was: Tall. (Upon hearing this story, our ‘shorter’ friends in our group pronounced that they were so happy that they must have been misdiagnosed, because if only tall people could get diabetes, they surely were ‘safe’)! The group did go ahead and describe to this man that ANYONE can have diabetes–any shape… any size…

Throughout the day, so many connections were made, so many memories were had, so many people experienced life with diabetes in a new light.

Even though our skies may have been clouded on this World Diabetes Day 2010, there as no lack of smiles, no complaints, not even a whimper. What an amazing group of people I have in my life. I am so happy to have the opportunity to share my experiences with such an phenomenal group of people with diabetes.

Thank you to Connected in Motion for bringing us all together, face to face, to share in this celebration!

(Pictures will soon be posted at: and

What a great looking group!

This is SO AWESOME! We so need that in the U.S.! Great job in doing this and connecting not only with each other, but expanding the D-Advovacy outside the bubble to the general public! I tried to do that myself a little here and there, and have written about it on my blog… but how COOL and awesome would it be to have a mass group effort like that!!! I see potential for 2011 and Beyond…

Thanks KimKat and Michael! It was such a great great day! There is huge potential! In 2011, we could totally spread the idea to communities, really, all over the world! We’ll keep the ball rolling for sure!

Great that you’s Guys and Gals could all spend WDD together. It looks like you all had Fun in T.O. I’m laughing at many of the funny facial expressions. (Hey, were those 2 smooching? They should of got a room, eh? :smiley: j/k )

Terrie, I can’t get over some of these facial expressions, ESPECIALLY since it was RAINING! What awesome people! And, yes, those two smoochers… I’ve considered telling people that they just ‘snuck’ into the photo :wink: hahaha

A shortie comment, as I just commented on the picture : CONGRATS . I bet you posted this one on IDF , WDD ?

Hi Nel! Hoping to get the photos posted soon! Just waiting to get the original copies from our photo genius and fellow T1, Hank! :slight_smile:

Hey All - what Jen fails to metion is that SHE helped organize this entire day. Congrats Jen on an awesome event with huge impact.

Ahemmm, Chloe Steepe… is that you signed is as ME commenting below??? Or else a ghost commenter, with my name and profile??

really ??..this is strangely funny Jen .