Let's share our World Diabetes Day stories and photos!

From left to right: Emily Walton, Fabiana Couto, Manny Hernandez, Andreina Davila, Chris Pollock

DiabetesHands Foundation staff and volunteers at the San Francisco World Diabetes Day Hula Hoop Flash Mob. HUGE success! This was crazy

What did YOU do for World Diabetes Day?! Got any good pics?

Here are some pictures!

Here's one with Kathleen Frasier from UCSF Diabetes Center:

It was awesome to be part of WDD Hula Hoop Flash Mob in San Francisco!! It was so MUCH fun!!!
Want to share what people did in my country, Brazil :) So proud of them!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHwzUJ1f15E&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Wow! Did y'all hula hoop for 14 minutes? That's very impressive!! Thank you all for all you do!!

What a beautiful photo, Emily! What did this fine, blue-clad group do?

I gave a lecture sponsored by the American Diabetes Association from my state.Then we gave free dental screening to more than 100 participants and children. It was wonderful to screen and educate the relationships between Diabetes and Dentistry. We do this every year and the more people we can reach the more we may be able to help. Love this day every year!

God Bless!

Dr. M Dominguez

hey guys didn't any of the sf news stations cover this event? Thought sf weekly was even there? :( But I can't find any thing about this event on the web other then some diabetic websites. It was a big event but its like the news still over looks us. They just don't know what their missing.

The West Hampshire Diabetes Team here in the UK...

Lit up Winchester Cathedral it was a great sight to see :)

WOW!!! That's spectacular!

Sounds like a blast, Judith! Exactly the kind of day I like to have with my sis, too :)

Thanks for sharing all this, Bikette! I like Mr. Fallon's joke. That particular technology is exciting, but kinda begs to be joked about. I hope you catch a glimpse of MJF. I'm not much of a star-chaser, but that would definitely give me a little thrill :)

Ha I even got my photo in the newspaper they liked it so much.. :)

I could see it from my bedroom window so I was suitably impressed.

There seemed to be a bit of a dearth of media focus on WDD in the media in the UK though, I didn't hear much about it in the newspapers, tv or the radio which was a shame :(

We need to see if we can get a Google doodle next year!

Great photo!

I was disappointed with the communication from the weekly paper Staff ; the below was not posted , neither the letter from the Mayor ;
"November 8, 2011,
On behalf of the City of Salmon Arm, I am pleased to offer greetings to Diabetes Champions, volunteers and donors in our community.
This is now an ideal time for community members to learn about diabetes-a condition that is becoming more and more common around the globe.
Fortunately, the Canadian Diabetes Association offers many resources to help those diagnosed with diabetes, including programs and services, research and advocacy. That work would not be possible without the dedication and support of many volunteers and donors. I’d like to thank those volunteers and donors for exemplifying the City of Salmon Arm‘s vision of “making a difference “
All the best as you honour Diabetes Champions on World Diabetes Day.
Yours truly,

Marty Bootsma
Mayor "

Can you please advise ...I scanned the Observer Papers/Shuswap Market News , November 16 and November 9 editions from beginning to end .
Did I miss reading the request, see below ??
If the article did get into the paper, which archived edition can I visit ?

Thank you for your continued support for all People with Diabetes .


Nel .

----- Original Message -----
To: Salmon Arm Observer
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 4:21 PM
Subject: City of Salmon Arm, World Diabetes Day , 2011
Hello M ,
Asking for your assistance again by promoting Diabetes in the Observer Paper/Shuswap Market News to our Community( around November 9 ??) ...by using Mayor Marty Bootsma's letter , see attachment .The Mayor and Councillors allowed me to use last years letter , with the date change.
I supplied more background information , see below .

The past 2 years blue lights have been turned on at Shuswap Theatre ,Hudson Ave., thanks to M. and I will approach her again for World Diabetes Day 2011 .

We have blue lights at our property .

I will be away from the computer , October 27-October 30 , attending the NAGM of the Association , Toronto , ON .

Thank you for your help ,


Diabetes Awareness Month November 2011
World Diabetes Day 2011: This year is significant because it is the 90th anniversary of the discovery of insulin in Canada. World Diabetes Day on November 14th, is the birthday of the co-discoverer of insulin, Sir Frederick G Banting. We are connecting Canadian activities to the global cause of diabetes by virtually uniting with over 200 member associations (countries world wide) of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Please go to www.idf.org for much more information.

The blue circle is the universal symbol for diabetes. Until 2006, there was no global symbol for diabetes. The purpose of the symbol is to give diabetes a common identity. The blue circle was originally developed for the campaign that resulted in the passage of United Nations Resolution 61/225 "World Diabetes Day." The campaign for a United Nations Resolution on diabetes was a response to the diabetes pandemic that is set to overwhelm healthcare resources everywhere. The campaign mobilized diabetes stakeholders behind the common cause of securing a United Nations Resolution on diabetes.
The United Nations passed Resolution 61/225 ‘World Diabetes Day’ on December 20 2006. Why a circle? The circle occurs frequently in nature and has thus been widely employed since the dawn of humankind. The significance is overwhelmingly positive. Why blue? The blue border of the circle reflects the colour of the sky and the flag of the United Nations.
And what is planned : in Kelowna this year, we have two University students, Bianca and Becky, organizing a Blue Circle Campaign to happen in the downtown core. They are presently approaching all merchants in our downtown area to see if they would like to join the Blue Circle Campaign by placing blue lights in their windows for the month of November. They are also approaching City Council to see if the City will display blue lights where they usually place Christmas lighting. We are hoping that this campaign is adopted by the City of Kelowna and will occur every year in the month of November.
Canadian Diabetes Association www.diabetes.ca
MORE work to do next WDD !!!

Thanks Emily! We had Dr. Carla Greenbaum of BRI interview people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes beneath the arches and at 6:45pm we had a 5 year old with type 1 "light" the arches by pushing a button. ;) It was pretty cute!