Would you like to participate in a suvey for Diabetes Research?

Do you have enough participants if not my wife and I would be glad we are from Canada if that is acceptable or is it buy american only, I guess it is not buy but free so it should be ok . Let us know. I have diabetes for 12 years and she does not. Minimal help from medical professional but coping quite well physical but falling appart mentally. Thats about it.

Thanks, Anthony, it would mean a lot to me if you and your wife can participate!!! Let me know whether you can download the surveys from my page, or do you need me to email them to you.


Hi Ruthie, I’m a new TuDuabetes member. I’m a type 2, diagnosed well over a year ago with a non-diabetic husband … and we’d be happy to help. I’m going to try to open the documents from this page, although it sounds as though some readers have had a few problems. Please let me know if you’ve already gotten all the responses you need, if I don’t hear from you we’ll return our completed documents within the next day or two.
Yake care,

Laura, Thank you very much! Yes I still do need quite a few more surveys, so I am very happy and appreciative. Please let me know if you’d prefer me to email you the surveys…

Ruthie :wink:

Downloaded the forms and will send them out when completed.

Anything to help the cause, even if it means throwing the wife under the bus…

Just kidding… but she can push it if she wants!


Oh, I just saw your message here – WONDERFUL!!! I so appreciate you both!!!

Sure Ruth we will take a look at them and fill it out. Im off tomorrow and the next day…today being football Sunday and the Eagles being on the west coast, I may not get a good look at the survey until tonight. But you should get them and the consent back tomorrow afternoon at the latest

Thanks so much!!! Don’t worry about sending me back the consent form, as long as you have read it and are comfortable. It does mention blood draws, which we will not be doing. And the incentives are different (funding woes).

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your time and expertise!!! THANK YOU!!! :))))))))

Really curious to know the effect of that piece of paper on the differences… some of us have lived together longer than some marriages last (and don’t want to get the government involved); others are prohibited from marrying by the government… and I’m not going to begin to add the confounder of a more-than-two-consenting-adult household.

Hi, tmama! If you consider yourselves “married” as in a long term, committed relationship, then I would very much invite you and your partner to participate in this study. It IS a couple’s survey, and the unit of analysis is a dyad, so at this time we are looking at that “simple” relationship. This is a starting point. In future research, I am very much interested in expanding to look at “differences” for other kinds of relationships. For instance, a parent and an adult child, living together, or same-sex couples, or siblings. I expect, that there would be many things similar, and many things different. Many people would like to know how to help their partner without annoying them, how to support without judging, how to ask for help with dignity, how to collaboratively cope with such a life challenge, and so on… I am very excited about the findings from the qualitative study that I did, and which I am working on publishing in two papers, which learned from 30 couples. From this, and building on others’ past research, I have some strong ideas about what may be helpful/hamful for success in diabetes management. Currently, I am expanding this to test some of these theories in a much larger scale, quantitative study. I am applying for NIH funding, but proceeding without it while I wait. If I receive the funding, this study will be on a grander scale, but even without it, this is an important study that will contribute a great deal. Looking at chonic illness from the point of view of a relational unit such as a couple is a relatively new and very promising approach. Using dyadic analysisis is a very new methodogy. “No man is an island,” is an old idea, but understanding what/who we need on our island – and what we need from them once they’re there – is something we are still learning about. This study hopes to make a real contribution.

And hence my plea for participants!! Please do consider taking the time to share your knowledge about your experiences in living with dabetes. Your expertise is a very valuable resource to science. :slight_smile:

Hi, Mikey,
Did you have a chance to look at the surveys??? It would really mean a lot to me to have the gift of your expertise and knowledge about living together with diabetes!!!
Ruthie :slight_smile:

Ruth, how is it going? Do you have enough respondents as yet? I was so happy to have the chance to participate,


rick phillips

Hi, Rick, and thanks again for doing so!!! Not going great – I only have 11 good surveys after months of trying. I have been told I’ll have more luck if I appeal in person at a diabetes workshop or class, so I am planning to hit some of those when I get a chance.

Thanks, good to hear from you!!!
Ruthie :slight_smile:

Hello! I’m a type 1 diabetic, and I would be willing to do the survey :slight_smile: Just send me a message on what more you need me to do.

Hi!! Thanks so much!!! :slight_smile:

The survey is for married couples, with at least one having diabetes.

If you email me at , then I can email you the surveys.

I so appreciate it!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.


Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!