Would you like to participate in a suvey for Diabetes Research?

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi, I was wondering whether you are still interested, willing,… If so that would be fantastic!! I myself have been ill (fighting breast cancer), but I’m trying to get going on my research again.

Please just let me know your email address, and I will be very happy to send you a survey – or email me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com THANK YOU!!

Hi…so you still need more participants? How do you want people to participate and send you their questionnaires? Is it all done electronically or is anything done via printing, scanning in or mailing???

Let me know…

Hi - where do I sign up. We are empty nesters both type 1 with his and eres Animus Pings and his and her Dexcoms. And who said Diabetes is not contagious?

Hahaha! You sound like quite the couple! (^_^) Thanks for offering to do the survey!! You can either send me your email at: research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com Or if you are able to get them, there are attachments on this page. One survey is for the diabetic and one is for the non-diabetic spouse. In your case, where both are diabetic, please have the person who has had it the longest do the diabetic survey, and the other do the non-diabetic survey.

The consent form is for your reading pleasure, and I don’t need it back… We are not doing blood draws or incentives at this time.

In order to fill out the surveys, and save trees and the mailman’s back: please download the form and simply highlight your answer, type in answers, or mark X by your answer – saving the doc are you go. When complete, please email your surveys to me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com

THANK YOU so very much for offering your expertise about living with diabetes!!!

Hi, April, yes, I do need more participants! All done electronically. If you are able to get them, there are attachments to this page that can be downloaded. Or if you send your email address to me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com, then I can send them to you via email.

Once you download the forms, the consent form is for you reading pleasure, please ask any questions, but I do not need it back. We won’t be doing blood draws or incentives at this time.

There are two versions of the survey – one for the diabetic (or the spouse whose had it the longes, if both are diabetic), and one for the non-diabetic or other spouse. To complete the survey, simply mark answers by highlighting answers, typing answers, or marking on X by answers, saving as you go. When completed, please email me the surveys at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com.

Thanks very much indeed for your time and knowledge, if you are able to participate!!

forgot to give you my email address: research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com

Or you can download the surveys right off this page.

Once you do, please mark your answers right on the page, by highlighting, typing, or an X. Once you have completed the surveys, please email them to me at research.diabetes.t.ruth@gmail.com

Thanks so much, it really means a lot!!