Whether it was a stellar CDE, your loving caregiver, or a best friend that helped during challenging diabetes moments, amazing people have supported us in our diabetes journeys.
Who’s helped or inspired your #diabetes journey? Add your thank-you note to our wall of #GreatBigThanks!
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The #greatBIGthanks campain is a community initiative plus a fundraiser… with a donation of $5 or more, you can post a personalized thank you, share it on social media, AND support the work of Diabetes Hands Foundation to make sure that no one with diabetes ever feels alone. 
I think this is a fantastic idea! But I believe in the transparency of making it clear from the get-go when something is a fund-raiser and requires the donation of money.
“Thanks” for sharing the info in the community @TypeJones! Such a fun way to give thanks and give back! Whoot Whoot!