when your sugar is already high if god forbid you eat even a crum it shoots up that much higher but when your in the neg (60 or lower) and you need it to come up it seems like you eat a cake and it barely goes up! WTF is that!
Gary, are you low and agitated now? Test it, treat it and wait. If find that I am not raising up from a low BG, I will eat another glucose tab or a 1/2 of s Whatever could have hapened to keep your blood sugar from rising quickly. Will explain more later if you need it . Treat NOW if you are LOW. I understand you are getting cranky and irritable, but treat it NOW!!!Eat some protein immediately after you have gotten the glucose level up ( I use cottage cheese, or peanut butter, or a boiled egg, or tuna). Will keep your blood glucose up and stable.
God Bless,
It might also be insulin “on board” floating around. Before I got my pump, I didn’t pay attention to that at all and would just keep blazing away with insulin all day but then would have ugly, snowball hypos all the time, probably eating 50+G of carbs/ day trying to keep up with it. On top of everything else. I’ve noticed w/ all the fancy gizmos that even being off .05U/ hour of basal or 1G of carb/unit can mean a 40 point BG reading difference, which can be significant if you are at 85 to start with!
I never heard of waiting for the BG to go up for the protein though. I always just shovel it in on top of the carbs, since I sort of get the munchies when I’m low?
We need Intelligent Insulin to stop the maddness.
Gary I hear you, chasing the lows is what I affectionately call it. I have another one for you. Ever sat at supper ate a great balanced meal and just as you finish you realize you are light headed check your sugars and bam, bottomed out!? Then you have to eat tabs to catch that low and then try and figure the correct dosage for supper. Another diabetic told me that your body gets the food digestion started and send out the message ok use the sugar in the blood more is coming…