10 Ways to Know You Have Diabetes

Nope, I’m not going to tell you about the typical symptoms like thirst, peeing a lot and fatigue. I’m going to give you instead the 10 things I find myself ‘needing to consider’ because of my diabetes:

  1. I find myself screaming, “How many carbs are in that pancake? You don’t know?!” My day is filled with stuff ordinary people never think about.
  2. ■■■■, ■■■■, ■■■■! (and really I don’t usually curse) I wasn’t going to walk this morning because they predicted rain and now the sun is blazing! Should I? Shouldn’t I? Do I risk going low, do I have to eat when I don’t want to? ■■■■, ■■■■, ■■■■! How many other people beat themselves up for wanting to take a walk?
  3. I am afflicted with a major form of terrorist torture–sleep deprivation. “I’m so tired, can’t I just lie here and fall asleep?” Nope, gotta get up, go into the kitchen and stick a needle in my finger to test my blood sugar. Sunday morning replay: “I’m so sleepy, can’t I just lie here just a little longer. It’s only 7:30 for goodness sake.” Nope, gotta get up and stick 3 needles in myself!
  4. “Hmmm… that’s a cute designer diabetes accessory, it would carry all my syringes, vials, test strips.” God, did I really say that? Do I really have to consider that? I want out of this club, never mind the cute accessories.
  5. Wiping blood off my counter, my cupboard, my shirt, yuck my food, with absolutely no abhorrence, hesitation or dismay.
  6. “When’s dinner? When? You sure? Really? You’re sure now?”
  7. Glucerna just made a cereal for diabetics – a product just for us, hmmm…I noticed there an “us.” I don’t really want to have to notice there’s an “us.” Yet now we’re worthy of marketer’s attention, right up there with aspirational Lexus drivers, Tide-detergent soccer moms, Sex and the City Garnier hair-coloring singles, and boy, “those special people with diabetes.”
  8. How often do I really have to go to my endo? I just found a prescription to get blood tests taken July 30, 2007, oops.
  9. Sneaking lunch into a noon movie, no sweat, but how will I be able to see my syringe to dose in the dark?
  10. Geez, I just tested my blood sugar and I just forgot the number! Alzheimers? Dementia? Who cares, now I have to do it again!!! Geez :frowning:

Of course we all know in addition there’s the constant calculation of all the things we’re eating, doing, etc etc just to take care of our diabetes. And given that, maybe this has given you a laugh.

It’s actually a marvel - and a huge disappointment - that no one else seems to notice all the things we do to manage our diabetes. Except, unfortunately, you.


Took my my son to the movies and snuck in his snack and was going to buy him a diet soda…the were all out of diet soda…and water!!! Luckily the food court was open and went there…just dared them to say he couldn’t bring it in!

Although I am a T2, and not where you are, I think you summarized a lot of this, very well. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

You might add my favorite, which is using that damnable “pokey” and then never getting any blood. Never changed the depth number or anything. I just don’t bleed sometimes! Poke the other side of the finger? Nothing… Maybe a vampire drained me overnight? One more time in another finger. Finally. Now test, and don’t forget to clean the original finger, which now has two holes with blood drops, looking like I was bitten by a snake.


I TOTALLY agree that no one else seems to notice all the things we do to manage our diabetes! That would be nice if someone close to us actually understood what being a diabetic Type I is really all about,

John Brush,
Yes, I often feel like a pin cushion also. I’ve had Type I diabetes for a long 30 yrs and test myself at least 6 times a day. I sometimes don’t get blood our after my 1st poke either, so join the club! Have a great weekend!

People like you, the long timers, give me a lot of hope. I was dx’ed late in life type 1, seeing people going so long without major problems, notice that I didn’t say problems LOL, we deal with problems everyday(like your blog says) gives me a positive look on things. The only advantage (damn I am getting so much better at spelling) to being dx’ed late in life is simple math. It’s been a year and a half since dx’ed, if I go another 10 years I’ll be 74. ROFLMAO