24 hours on the Omnipod and loving it!

My son has been wearing his pod for 24 hours and we couldn't be happier. The training went well and I love how easy it is to program the PDM. Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions on my previous Discussion thread - they were very helpful. The only question I forgot to ask the CDE was does my son need to stay close to the PDM while the insulin is being delivered or ONLY while you are programming/confirming insulin delivery? I think the latter is true but he has been staying right next to the PDM during the entire insulin delivery incase it messes things up if he moves!


After he hears the beep, he can walk away....if he has set it to give him a beep. If no beep, as soon as it says it is delivering, he can walk away. It will continue to deliver as long as the 'cancel' key is not hit. I had my PDM in a case once that was too tight and the case would trigger the cancel button.
Sounds like an exciting day!!

Thank you - we do hear a beep so I will let him know he can walk away after the PDM beeps confirming his insulin delivery has started.

Preparing to go on the pump took rather a long time so we really are very thankful and excited that he is on his pump finally :-)

Nevada answered your question ... but I just wanted to say ... Congratulations! I'm glad to hear everything is working out!

Awesome to have another HAPPY user!

I'm so happy for you!

so glad it is going well, please let us know if any more questions come up!

Did our first pod change this morning and it went great. Just wondering what, if anything, you put on the old pod site. I massaged in a little baby oil but welcome other suggestions.

We don’t put on anything. My daughter often likes to take a bath or put lotion on the adhesive before taking it off to help it come off more easily.

Guess im the minority but I just rip the old one off quickly...

I wear them on my arms and occasionally i'll have a small bump where the old one was, but nothing major. Ive noticed that not as much of the adhesive on the new pods stays behind like it did on the old ones.

One more question. I presume if we do a temporary basal reduction for one hour the PDM does not need to be next to the pod in order for it to resume (meaning it will automatically return to full basal rate after an hour by itself)?


I use Uni-Solve pads to loosen the old one, makes it very easy to remove. After I'll put some type of lotion on the old spot or anti-biotic ointment.

Correct. I think that my PDM/pod beeps when the temp stops, but it continues without my help.

Congratulations! great to hear it works so good. If my insurance agrees I wil start with the omnipod soon. I'm exited to start and have better regulation.