+ 3 yrs from Roux-en-Y Never better!

It's been a long time since my last posting, but only because I don't feel like a t2d anymore. Just had my 3 yrs. post-op and everything is very good, all nos. are great, I feel great, one of the best things I've ever done. A1C consistently 6.0 - 6.5. Weight is within 10 lbs of my low after op, work at exercise and small portions, but is small sacrifice for overall success. I eat almost everything, only thing that disagrees with me is Thai & Chinese food. cheers!

So happy to see you here Grant ...you are a success story :) ..how time flies , I recall you posting about your plans and what you had to do prior to your surgery .Now it's 3 plus years later . Congrats from this Canadian gal and Happy Canada Day ....sssss

Great news. Congratulations!
ps. Love Chinese and Thai Food too...doesn't agree with me either :(

Hi Grant!! Nice to see ya again.

Wow 3+ years, talk about time flying. That's fantastic that
you are doing better with your A1c's and even more so that you
are feeling better.

It took a lot of work from you, so I am proud of you
for getting through this huge and scary ordeal. You look
Great...and healthy. :) Congratulations!!

thanks so much for all of your kind comments. I still do identify as a t2d and advocate in favour of us when I get a chance. Best part apart from what my wife would say? I can run a bit now. I play old timers slo-pitch and loving it.