It’s nice to finally be able to make a New Year’s goal and today I was able to reach one. Stopped in to see my CDE for the first time this year and had the obligatory HbA1c test that we all know and love. Much to my surprise, I was below 7! Just barely, 6.9, but I’m not complaining.
The last time I was this low was back on 10/11/02, so it has been a while since I’d been out of the 7’s (with a few sad years in the 8’s). My lowest reading was 5.9, back on 11/13/99 (during that glorious honeymoon period) and my highest, at diagnosis, a nice 12.2.
My new goal this year is to get into the 5’s. That’s just a point, so it shouldn’t be that hard. Right? Right??!!!
I have a similar story, few nasty years in the 8s, have just got down to 6.2% feels good doesn't it..
I was aiming for the fives but reviewed all my data recently and I have been going low alot, not serious hypos but I am still dipping into the 30s regularly..
After living with someone who suffered brain damage due to constant hypos I am aware that lows can be really dangerous too..
What I think is best to aim for is flat lining and stability, minimal spikes after meals, correcting any highs quickly. I also hope to eat less carbs and move abit more..
But seriously dude, bask in the glory and well done,, Hope you get it down even further during 2012.
If I can get in the 5s without hypos then great, if not I am happy around 6%
Awesome job. Although we are told that < 7% is "in control," many T1s never really get there. It really takes some effort, education and dedication to do it. Way to go!