I'm in the 4 club!

A1c today = 4.9

A1c on April 2 when diagnosed = 11.1

I was shocked to see such a good number-- I certainly wasn't expecting it to be below mid 5's. Considering I've never had any hypos to speak of, I'm pretty happy with that result!

And well you should be! Congratulations! I hope your doctor is as impressed as he should be with all your hard work!

Sam, that's awesome!!! All the work you've obviously done is paying off. BIG congrats!

Congrats that is fabulous. Keep up the incredible work.

Fantastic Sam! Way to go!

Wow, that is great.

Ok now I'm seriously jealous. 4.9 and very few hypo's, how do you expect us to keep-up. Give us a break.

All kidding aside. That's extraordinary.


Wow. Congrats!! That's awesome. I can never get mine below a 9. Horrible, horrible.

That's spectacular.

Fantastic!! Congratulations. Give us some insight as to what you did to get there, i.e., diet, dosing, exercise, etc. Thanks!

So awesome , congrats ...the good life in Alaska ??

I wish I could say it was easy but that would be a bit of a stretch... Physiologicaly, I think I have it easier than a lot of other people here. Circumstantially, I think I have it considerably tougher than some. I say that because as I still have some beta cell function, I take no basal insulin-- which makes avoiding hypos considerably easier I think (I was having a harder time at first when I was taking basal as well). Circumstantially tougher, I say because I work away from home for weeks on end in an environment where I have very little control over the food thats available-- and the type of working / resting hours approach the unimaginable.

At home I carb count as precisely as I can. I time my boluses exactly 20 minutes before I start eating. I eat a moderately carb-restricted diet, generally 100-120g each day, but I'm far from a health food nut. I completely avoid all "junk carbs." I exercise regularly, but to be honest I am not convinced that it really helps with blood sugar control in my case, but I think that it does help me keep the right attitude and mindset to maintain discipline and motivation to do the best I can.

At work, things are a bit harder for me. Like I said I work away from home (on ships) for weeks at a time. The food is largely out of my control and variable. There is quite a bit of trial and error involved here. It's not possible to carb count based on labels... So I tend to stick to meals that I am familiar with and tweak as neccesary. The hours I work away from home make things very difficult too-- when I am at home I know that I can count on 8:1 with breakfast, 9:1 lunch, 10:1 dinner. While I'm at work ans working a shift like midnight-4:00 am plus noon-8:00 pm, my body and metabolism are completely out of whack and have no idea what the hell is going on--- so I always feel one step behind the game but I do the best I can. I record all blood glucose readings--- on pen and paper wher eI can actually notice trends and adjust as soon as I detect a consistent pattern. In addition to the bizzare hours, the consequences of a hypo at my job are totally unacceptable. I refuse to allow that to happen. I test before every meal, and between 1:40 to 2:00 after each meal-- I correct and downward trends before they cause a problem.

Can't think of much more to add!

The good life in Alaska indeed-- my house is perched on the ridge above kachemak bay-Have you seen the show "Alaska: The last Frontier" ? Those are actually my neigbors...

you are officially mr awesome! well done!

What a spectacular accomplishment especially since your lifestyle seems to preclude a consistent routine.My son and I will be taking some cues from you. We meed to gauge the carb to insulin ratio more precisely and perhaps try to cut back on the basal as well. He tests frequently and he has caught his lows before it has become a problem. However, those low numbers excited the ire of his endo. We too aspire to join the 4% club without the hypos.

p.s. I think I'm even more envious that you live in Alaska. My son and I travelled the Alaskan Railroad right after he was dx'd. We loved it. I'd like to go in the winter.