Does anyone have any suggestions on a pen needle case that can hold a pen and 3-4 pen tips, spare cartridge, and perhaps a medical ID card… Iv seen a lot of “more inclusive stuff” but i want something i can sneak into my pocket and for quite some time, the BD case fit the bill perfectly (but i also didnt need the spare cartridge holder after i went to a prefilled pen at the time)
The closest thing iv seen is the Skinny Case by some vendor… forget who. but it only comes in, somewhat effeminate colors or print…
I use a HARD eyeglass case for my syringes (carry at least 5 prefilled) and it would have room for more stuff. You could get it in any color, if you are not into pink…Haha
Contact your doctor to see if they have any cases or contact the company that makes the pens. The doctors get these starter kits for free. What kind of pens do you use? I had a case for my Lantus, Symilin and Novolog pens. Each one fit 1 pen and at least 3 needles in it. The cases I received were black or grey.
Im still using the Humalog disposable pens, the closest thing they (Lily-Humalog) gave me is what i jokingly refer to as an optometrist bag… about 4 inches high and 1 inch wide… (if youve had someone with eye surgery this is usually the free bag they get with their starter set of eyedrops size)…TOO DAMN BIG… Should try Lily again… Heh interesting that everyone other than Lily was giving out an appropriate case… Iv actually used the suggestion of a hard eyeglass case for prefilled syringes… , usually need one piece of scotch tape to keep them from shifting around in that situation though… I have a Memoir but im not using that till i use up at least 2 more of my disposables…(one disposable (spare))
Actually my doctor doesn’t get ANY starter kits or meters for free… It was explained to me when i first changed over to him from the Joslin… Fact its one of the reasons I like dealing with him BUT in some cases its a real detriment… At least he warned me upfront… Does not see any drug reps and none come looking for him… So all the freebies go next door to the Joslin Clinic pretty much where its in their interest and have the time to deal with them…
All of my cases were hard plastic cases. My pens were just a little too long for eye glass cases. Contact different insulin pen manufacturers. Just do not tell them you do not use their insulin pens. Call Lilly back and see if there is a drug rep that they will put you into contact with. Have them have the drug rep call you. Let the rep know what you need they may have something.
Check with your craft stores. They may have cases for like scissors that may work for you. You may want to get a piece of foam. Cut it into fit inside a hard case. Cut a slit or shape to fit the pen and the needles into it. And you now have your own case for your supplies.
i like the eyeglass idea, but usually i’ll just carry a lunch bag with my insulin inside of it (next to icee pack). Never know how much insulin you’ll need
Thats the case I keep looking at, I wish it was in a bit more neutral color… People keep telling me the pictures really dont do it justice on the color… In fact iv already had a short email conversation with the developer of the Skinny by Dittybags and there looks like there will be some more items in the works which may be a bit more guy-friendly…