I was diagnosed around five years ago (exact date escapes me at the mo). Following some pretty severe symptoms and around a reading of around 400 when diagnosed, I went straight on to insulin.
Now, I have obviously been using insulin for the past five years and now I realize that I don’t really know how to do that!! In the beginning I had great readings, then they started to taper off, now I think I have to inject a lot more just to get good results. Due to pure exhaustion I let things drop a bit, but I am back and ready to start again.
That being said, about 3 months ago I tried to eat very healthy and kept records and for two weeks I had the best readings – it was like I didn’t have diabetes. Then I realized – YOU’RE NOT EATING HEALTHY! YOU’RE STARVING YOURSELF! So that didn’t really last!
Now I am trying to eat healthy and filling, so today I made a dish with quinoa but then I realized – I have no idea what to inject for this!
Basically, I need to start everything again from scratch – but where should I start? Are there good books with normal plans to eat healthy? Any advice in general?
I have a diabetes doctor and his nurse – but I’ll be honest, I don’t find them very proactive and getting info out of them is a bit tough….
Apologies for a post which is a bit “all over the place” – any good advice and recommendations are welcomed!!