A1c - Whoo Hooo! :-D

When I was diagnosed in December of 2008, my BG was in the mid 500s, and had probably been 300+ for close to a year. So when I had my first A1c in March I was expecting it to be something awful like 11-12, and I was flabbergasted when it came back 5.9.

I had my dose of met increased, which improved my a.m. numbers, but I’ve been eating more ‘no-no’ meals during that time, when I would spike to just under 200, although I’d come back down nicely at 2 to 2-1/2 hours - I never stay high. Still, even so, I asked about taking Prandin only with meals I knew were going to be high carb, and the doctor said that Prandin was going to be her next suggestion to me anyway, but she wanted to wait until Wednesday’s A1c came back. I was sure it was going to be 6.0 or 6.1 this time, but noooooo - it was 5.6!!!

I’m thrilled of course, but I guess that means she won’t give me the Prandin, and I’m still worried about those 160-180-190 spikes after my occasional naughty meals - my lab values are all good, except I could stand to lower my ‘bad’ cholesterol a little, but I’m worried about the effect those spikes will have on my eyesight. I must confess, though, that I’m not worried enough to never, ever eat anything that’s going to spike me past 140 ;-( Will bring the Prandin up again at some point. But wow, I was really surprised. I thought my A1c might stay the same, or it would go up a point or two - never imagined it would go down three points!

Am getting together tomorrow with a group of women I’ve been getting together with for about 17 years, once a month or so. Three or four of us are diabetic - one type 1, the rest type 2s, one friend who was diagnosed about the same time I was. I’m bringing sugar-free lemon pound cake and low carb pita bread, and some Michelob Ultra (good stuff, 2.6 to 6 carbs, depending on which one you drink) - and I’m not going to feel guilty if I overindulge a little (the key word being little). Nice start to my weekend! It sort of counterbalances that I found out that I’m going to have to jump through hoops if I want Blue Cross to pay for my Presto test strips - they lied to me, and now they’re demanding a doctor’s letter. Sigh.

Congrats and I would love a beer! :slight_smile: