
Drum Roll please!!!!!

5.5 Yay!!!!!! I am super excited, even with a few really bad days when I first went on my pump. I still averaged around 111 BG and hit 5.5 with my A1c.

Congrats Christy! That is awesome. Keep up the good work girl!

Absolutely fantastic well done! Great result.

OH Christy..that is great. Isn't that kinda low....are you getting a lot of lows? Have you started Aprida yet?

That is great, congratulations. You simply must join the 5% club now.

Hahaha I almost screamed at you. Im working right now, and the program requires you to be in all caps and I just noticed I was sitll in all caps before I hit send. Um lol to answer your question, I personally think the lows have improved some while being on the pump. Im still getting them but I dont really think to the frquency I was. And they are easy to catch and fix. My new internal medicine Dr who I really like...actually kinda like her better than Endo...she used to be an RN too...then went to Med School...but anyway long story short she seems to think I'd do better on Apidra too. Going to see Endo next Thurs and am going to ask him about switching. If he doesnt agree I may be Endo shopping. Anyway the internal medicine Dr just basically wanted a current baseline of all my labs, and she knew my Endo would want some of the ones she ordered as well so that's how I got my A1C done a week early.

you crack me up...no caps..bad, bad, bad!(can i use an !) Good work, girl!

Wow, that is awesome. Congratulations!

BIG Congrats!!!

Heartiest congrats !!! W O W 5.5 that's awesome !! Keep it up or rather down. LOL

Let me add my congrats for a job well done! What did you come down from? I came down my last test from 6.5 to 5.7. I totally think I owe it to my pump!

My A1c was really bad about 6 months ago, around 12. My last one was 6.6 3 months ago, and then this one is 5.5.

Agree totally owe it all to being on my pump now, could never get that kind of control on injections.

Way to go christy! Great job! I thought I typed this earlier but my phone ate it...d'oh!

Gotta love internet on our phones!

It's time for everyone in the audience to stand up and yell,,, YAY Christy

Thanks everyone! It's great to share this with those that get it. Haha told my hub and um lets just say medical stuff goes in one ear and out the other and he's like is that good...Im like UM its freaking fantastical. Sheesh lol.

That's funny. I'm constantly explaining to my husband our son's D management and new things I've learned here, because he's doesn't have the time to really be involved and he's just not "mom". Hip Hip Hooray on your A1C, very diligent work to get it. Had to change a lot of settings on son's pump, he had gone up to 6.5, hormones threw us a curve ball and a big growth spurt too, almost as tall as his dad now.

Those hormones and growth spurts are rough. How old is your son?

16 next month, as teens go, he's gave us no problems at all, yet, I guess. Mostly straight A's, honors classes and isn't pushing the limits. Great kid, if I do say so myself. His little brother, 5, pushes the boundaries hourly. He at 16, I'll probably be wearing wigs for lack of hair! Love them both to death, but sooo different.

Awe that's great. I have a 16 year old too, luckily not dealing with diabetes with him. He's a pretty good kid too, but like a lot of kids that age lol if u don't keep on him, he wont get anything done. Yet if its the hottest release video game, he'll be the most energetic, enthused kid ever. Oh I wish he'd apply at least a portion of that energy and enthusiasm into his school work, He does ok, but if he just pushed himself just a tinybit, he really could be getting pretty much all A's as well.

That's funny about your 5 year old, funny how kids can be so different.